JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Jeffery: I think everyone of my fellow inmates were puzzled as to how a kid
like me ended up committing a crime like i did. I had no real answer
besides, "Drugs." Once they all had time to hassle me about my
weight and hair i was accepted and later, even praised for my
singing voice and catalogue knowledge of most classic pop/rock
hits. It earned me the nickname, "Radio". Once that got around I
often heard the question asked, "Whats on the radio, Radio?"
Eventually most of the C.O's even started addressing me as Radio. Serena: In el dorado county the inmates were nicer than i
expected but they still ignored me, i am something
of a pariah and very ugly so people make fun of me. Gary: Not really. The first night, most everyone that
comes to jail gets somewhat scared. But after
that, it was pretty chill. Most everyone in GP is
down to earth. But for me, I was lucky enough to
get a job in the kitchen in 10 days of being in
general population. So I didn't really have to
stay around those people that much!
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Jeffery: I stuck to my cot most of the time i wasn't working in the kitchen or
scheduled for outside duties. Reading, drawing, reading, writing
letters to family, reading, dirty jokes, working out, eating and
reading. Never played cards. Never tried at handball during yard
time. Once i landed in the worker pod i found myself surrounded by
a much more educated and slightly less criminal group of men. The
perks of work kept us out of the routine squabbles more commonly
seen in general population. Serena: just keep my head down, avoid talking but be
pleasant if spoken to. let other people cut in line
for showers, stay in my room a lot. dont go out to
the yard because i am ignored and made fun of.
sleep a lot and stay on the bed, dont socialize. Gary: There are some people that take jail, REALLY seriously. It's quite
pathetic if you ask me. And there are people in
there that have been coming in and out of that
place for 10+ years. That's sad too.
This place just really sucks! A bunch of dudes,
locked up together, in the same area, no women,
you don't jerk off, always built up/backed up.
It's just really stupid. My biggest suggestion,
GET A JOB in the Kitchen or as a Night Cat, it
really makes time go by, and you are treated SO
much better.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Jeffery: I was extremely lucky with my first and longest running cellmate,
Eddy, whom i was bunked with upon transfer to worker pod. He was
a career carjacker and meth head. But, with no meth to smoke and
no car to steal, he was a very pleasant person to be locked up with.
Funny, insightful and as long as his reputation wasn't in danger of
being tainted, a sweet heart. I wasn't allowed to pick my celly and
fortunately i didn't because if given the chance i couldn't have
chosen a better one. Eddy and i were both rolled up for trash
talking a C.O. in our cell. We forgot our place and how lucky we
both were to be serving time so easily and it came back to bite us.
That made my last two months pretty intense because i was moved
to the white power pod and bunked with the only hispanic in the
entire group. So i kept to myself that much more for the remainder. Serena: no i didnt get to choose my cellmate. my cellmate
changed twice over the course of my stay. they were
both very nice and shared their commisary food with
me. Gary: When you are a worker, you get to help make
decisions on who they bring into the kitchen, but
when your in GP, you don't.