JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Jeffery: It all felt like a dream. I didn't bother calling too many people to get
bailed. I was guilty and saw no point in delaying the inevitable jail
or prison sentence before me. So after booking, the C.O.'s suited
me in orange and processed me into general population. I knew the
maximum sentence for residential burglary was up 5 years so
naturally i was sweating my court date. My first day in el do county
jail was coincidentally the last day of hot meals for dinner. The food
was surprisingly well prepared and generously portioned. Definitely
not what i would expect from what i had seen in jail movies or
heard from friends who had spent time in jail. The guards were
professional and courteous enough. Some even seemed to converse
with the more routine inmates in a familiar and friendly way. Using
nicknames and cracking jokes. I think most of the staff i
encountered during processing and my first few weeks could plainly
see that this was my first time in custody and that i was no criminal.
At least not a career one. Serena: I was put in jail and arraigned two days later. The
food was very good for jail and we got to go out to
the yard. el dorado county is a country club
compared to san francisco and all the girls seemed
in good moods, better than you would expect. Gary: I actually had continuances for almost an entire
year. It was pretty lame. I bailed myself out of
jail when I was arrested, and because I decided to
move up to Humboldt county, they wanted to give me
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Jeffery: My residence, which i shared with two other room mates, was
approached by 2 swat vehicles and about a dozen city pd and
sheriffs.The nature of the crime myself and my co-defendants
committed required extra attention, i suppose. A neighbor called
me at work and explained the scene at my doorstep. I didn't know
what else there was for me to do besides drive home and turn
myself in. Serena: I was stopped in a parking lot because i looked
suspicious and there were charges on file against me
so the officers took me to jail. i became suicidal
because i could not bear going to jail again as the
other inmates harass me, also i did not know there
were charges against me. Gary: I was arrested at work. Because I was embezzling
money from work, they were the one that had the
case against me.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Jeffery: The courtroom at Dept. 7 in the el dorado superior court sees civil
and criminal cases for civilians and inmates simultaneously in the
same court, so I was more than a little embarrassed to be wearing
orange and shackles in front of a hundred or more townsfolk. I
basically just followed the lead of my public defender, eric
schlueter. I took a strike and a very lenient sentence. Serena: The judge was very kind. I had been in jail before
so the process was not uncomfortable. I had no
lawyer. I was wearing the orange suit and felt like
a monkey. It was very degrading but i suppose i
deserved it. they woke me up very early to go to
court. Gary: It was pretty quick. I had Judge Kingsbury, on a
GOOD day (I head you get her on her bad days and
she can be a total nut job). But court went
quickly because I was never in custody.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Jeffery: My initial charges read:
Possession of paraphernalia with attempt to distribute
Weapons distribution
First degree Burglary
My only conviction was the burglary charge Serena: The charge was cruelty to animals. After I was in
jail for a while the charges were dismissed. Gary: Grand Theft Felony.