Interview with Mish, Sally, Pace, Baby, Jamie, Gerard, Jessica, Manuel, Jay, LKai, Josie, George, Terry, Pebbles, Miles and Raella
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Mish: 240 Days Sally: MY SENTENCE WAS 90 DAYS, BUT I ACTUALLY DID 48
OF 60 Pace: 1st time four months. Last time 16 months prison. Baby: I did 14 on my sentence and now I have my full
sentencing . I start in a few weeks is for ninty
days, But I am suppose to get time served, for the
time I was already in for so hopefully I will do
my 48 days Jamie: well the first time 90 days Gerard: Initially the DA had an offer for 40 days in
jail with no restraining order against me with
my wife but I knew that 40 days in jail would
mean that I wouldn't have a job, family or home
to come back to.
So I took another offer which was 10 days in a
jail with a restraining order. Because this is
Orange County, I ended up serving roughly 2/3 of
the sentence. So I got out on day 7 at like 2:00
My public defender didn't really counter
anything that the DA offered. My advice to
anyone out there is to get your own lawyer.
Borrow money if you have to but you WILL get
screwed if you let a public defender represent
you. Several times I asked my defender to ask
the judge for this or that and each time the DA
countered with some objection. The judge sided
with the DA each time. My public defender just
stood there and accepted. Jessica: 6 months Manuel: 6 months Jay: 365 days LKai: I only did a 3 day stint, but I learned a lot. Josie: 30 days at 50%.
i served 15 actual days, George: 16 months, but half time. I had 22 days actual time
credit. Terry: 51 WEEKS, EQUIVALENT TO 1 YEAR IN JAIL Pebbles: I got 120 days and only did like 30 and got
offered a program called cwp after I was
sentenced. They came to the farm and I worked at
brad gates . They ad a zero to your days left
example if you have 120 days you get 1200 hours.
After being out for a month I turned myself back
in to finish my time I was tired of working for
free. Miles: Five years informal probation, DUI classes, and
suspension of Driving privileges for one year.
Also a 1800 fine.
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Mish: Yes I did. I was in a tank under the court house
all day with a bunch of other girls. Sally: YES I WATED FOR THE BUS TO ARRIVE THAT WAS LIKE
TO SLEEP. Pace: Yes, it's call the music cells for a reason.
They have X amount of time to house you that's
why the intake deputies want to have there turn
at ruining your life Baby: I lived in what the call the Loop for like 3 days,
after my arrest I was in solitary for a day no
breakfast lunch or dinner in there, and then I was
in the jail hospital for 3 days for the blood
transfusion then lost in the loop for 3 I only was
on max lock down cell which is 23 hour lock down
only out for getting your meals, med calls, and a
shower. Which the male guards can stand there and
watch you so you basically take one with a towel
on. no tv or phone Jamie: oh yea with about 100 other girls it was cold Gerard: In Orange County, the court day is a full day
not because your sentencing takes all day (it
takes minutes) but because you came on a bus
with 50 other guys who are also going through
sentencing. Going back to my holding cell after
the judge threw the book at me was a sobering
experience. Before I saw the judge, I was pretty
optimistic from what the other inmates were
telling me about a case like mine but
afterwards, I started trying to mentally prepare
myself for more jail time. It was really hard to
do. Jessica: Yes, when you go to court you are held in
holding cells all day. They pull you out around
4am and then place you in a holding cell until
you go to court. Once you are done with court
you sit in a holding cell until they bring you
back to the jail. Usually don't get back to
your bed until 8pm. Long day! Manuel: yes they stink no bathroom in it all you eat is
a sandwitch,a cookie and a juice you can be
there all day till 7pm or 8 pm Jay: Yes, all day.. You go at 4am to the court, sit around in a holding
cell untill your called up to the court room for 5 mins. Then you sit
in the cell with up to 50 other inmates until the bus brings you
back around 6-7pm. Raella: I spent 16 hours in the holding cell with 16
other girls. The most horrible experience of my
life. Cool girls, but no beds, no air, no phone
calls. LKai: No, my crime was only an infraction. I only did 2
nights, 3 days prior to my court appearance.
I was in a 'worker tank', which had multiple
bunks. I'm Asian, so they put me in with the other
Asians. We also shared that with the Blacks. The
Asians would stay on one side, and the Blacks
would stay on the other. We also had two different
showering areas, as well as toilets and such.
It wasn't bad at all, just boring mostly. You find
yourself knowing how to play cards very fast,
since that's what we were doing every day. Josie: yes they kept us in a over crowded holding cell
with 30 women and one toilet. George: No. When I was sentenced, I asked for and received
five weeks to get things settled with my family. I
turned myself in to the court at 9am and waited for
a hellish six or seven hours until they got to me.
I spent about an hour in a holding cell and then was
delivered to a dormitory at the Main jail. Terry: AFTER SENTENCING WENT RIGHT BACK TO SAME HOLDING
JAIL. SAME BAG LUNCHES, ICE COLD CELLS. Pebbles: I was in the look when I first got arrested and
Irc Is the worst it takes like 10 hours for them
to house you or ship you to a different jail. Miles: I was given a seven day furlough to get my
committments in order. When I was set for my first
court date they automatically took me into jail
custody right there in the court. I was a college
student at the time and was in the middle of a
class, and could not afford to post bail. So it
was plead guilty and get the seven day furlough,
or plead not guilty and fight the case from jail,
which I really thought I had a strong chance to
beat it or at least reduce charges.
When my furlough time was up I had to voluntarily
turn myself into the Theo Lacy jail. That was a 20
hour concrete no sleep nightmare. They transfer
you holding cell to holding cell with no
mattresses or pillows just cold concrete to sleep
on. You get sack lunch with peanut butter or
rotted bologna sandwiches.