JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Rod: MAKE SURE THAT THEY HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY ON
A CALLING CARD. Kerry: i guess i would have to say just relax don't let
sheriffs fuck with you because they are real
dicks!I can not emphicize that enough dont cry and
don't take no shit off knowone Milton: Just to get a routine down to pass the time
learn how to play cards and get to working
out. Go outside whenever you can and
breath that fresh air James: They should know that it isn't always so simple as
having a set time to hear from them by phone, as
there are times when things like lockdowns are
imposed etc,. so that if an inmate was supposed to
call at a particular time, don't be too concerned
if they don't as institutional workings are not
always consistently operated. Though jail is
unpleasant, a friend or loved one can survive it
easier if the are mindful uf there "p's and q's!
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Rod: DON'T GO TO JAIL. OBEY THE LAW. DO THE RIGHT
THING. Kerry: well it was more than ten years ago since i was at
banning so for all i know it have changed a whole
lot by now so what can i tell you Milton: Try to get a job in the kitchen our wherever
you can it will maker time fly by and and
the days go by so quickly and you get to
eat allot better James: To be prepared for an uncomfortable holding cell
experience when first getting processed and to
prepare to be bored to death. Be mindful of what
you are doing at all times and remain focused on
doing whatever the program is within the
unit....what I mean by that is whatever the
inmates that are housed within the unit you are
assigned to, follow there little rules and pay
attention to that and you should be okay.
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Kerry: none Milton: All in riversidE county southwest detention
center.Blythe jail James: Besides Banning jail in Riverside County,
California, I have been to the other three jail
facilities in Riverside County,,,Robert Presly,
Indio, Southwest, In San Bernardino County I have
been to 3 facilities: CDC, West Valley, Adelanto.
Of the state prisons I've been to: CIM Chino; CRC
Norco; CCC Susanville; NKSP Kern County; and CCI