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Interview with Kerry, Milton and James

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Kerry: i did not have any meds
Milton: Yes I would have to fill out a
James: For the most part yes, though when you are first held in a holding cell it can be difficult.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Kerry: like i said i did not have any meds to take so i can not provide you with any feed back
Milton: The nurse would come two times a day once in the morning and then after dinner and you would have to go and see her to get your pills
James: The nurse evaluates you and then they wheel around a cart and dispense your medications twice a day at 'pillcall'.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Kerry: i never asw any one in there with any drugs while i wasthere sothere is nothing i can tell you
Milton: If you would get caught with your pills they could charge you with another felony for an possession of an illegal substance
James: Loss of good time or priveledges such as commissary or the phone, Illicit drugs sneaked into the facility could result in the DA filing new charges against you.

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