JM: How many meals did you get per day? Rod: WE GOT 3 MEALS PER DAY. Kerry: i think it was three Milton: Breakfast at four in the morning hot meal
at noon and sandwiches for your last meal
at four thirty James: Three for breakfast lunch and dinner.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Rod: FAIR TO OKAY. NOT SOMETHING YOU WOULD PAY FOR,
BUT IT WAS EDIBLE. Kerry: the food wasnot great by any standards you know
it's jail food what do you expect?i can not say
the portions were that big.i mean there was never
never enough to drink in the big themas thing they
had and i recall the drinks always tasted like
there was dish soap in there Milton: it was decent 7 out of 10 it had the best
food outta all the riverside country jails.
Pit of all three it was the best tasting they
always ideas allot of jalapenos in
everything they cooked they also would
give you the biggest portions compared to
some of the other jails in riversidE county James: It is lousy unless you are when out of jail
homeless and always hungry. The lunches are either
peanut butter and jelly or a nasty tasting bologne
sandwhich...hence one looks forward to peanut
butter and jelly days. If you don't have any
commissary it can be difficult to not get hungry
at sometime during the night, as once you eat
dinner at 4 or 4:30pm breakfast is not until 12
hours later.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Rod: NO. Kerry: i did not have any favorites or what have you.i
guess i was'nt there long enough to get the full cycle Milton: Yes my favorite was taco night and my last
favorite was hot dogs because the beans
they gave your were not cooked enough
and tasted horrible James: Breakfast is usually the best because it is hard
not to like cereal and since it is so early in the
morning and you are going right back to sleep it
is easy to save some of it for later in the day or
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Rod: YES. WE HAD COMMESSARY 2 TIMES A WEEK. YOU
OF. ALSO, SODAS, TOP RAMEN. POPCORN. CHIPS. ETC. Kerry: as best as i can recall there was no commisary or
anything like that i can not say that i can recall
any snacks or anything of the sort.there was
nothing like that at all Milton: No just commissary it was reasonable a
soup was 55 cents each and they had a
whole different variety of stuff different
variety of chips, candy bars, honey buns,
different types of fish like tuna James: No there are no other snacks available other than
the three meals. Commissary is twice a week and is
expensive, as a Ramen soup for instance which
sells for maybe .12 cents each at a supermarket
can cost up to .85 cents each at the commissary.