JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Sarah: always got an asprin in line with everyone else
when necessary.. med call was twice daily..
morning & night. Paul: I do not take any medications Allan: No, they just give you Ibuprofin for pain , thats
it!! Erik: The docs were good about meds.
JM: How did you get your medications? Sarah: A nurse would hand out med's through a glass
window with an Officer at her side. Paul: The guards would yell "MED-CALL" at the top of their
lungs at 11p.m. and 5a.m. waking everyone up, even
if they did not have meds Both times were during the
"lights out" time designated for sleeping Allan: through a feeding slot! By mean, lazy medical
staff that doesn't really give a shit about anyone
in custody !!
Erik: You either had to go to the nurses shack or at
time if the meds were'nt narcotic they'd give a
month or so tho KOP ( keep on person)
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Sarah: I don't know personally.. but I assume
lockdown... single cell one hour a day out...
severity from days to months.
Paul: I did witness someone getting caught "cheeking"
their pills and trading them for coffee. They were
transferred to solitary confinement for 30 days, and
I was told they lost part of theor good behavior
time Allan: I don't know, Ad. Seg I suppose, extra charges,
loss of good time, I never saw anyone get caught
with drugs or "Pruno" It was there, they just
never caught them I guess Erik: It was hard to abuse the drugs because dosage
was monitored. We did have guys drink the hand
cleaner for it's alcohol content