JM: How often could you receive visitors? Sarah: Daily Weekly Monthly Paul: at first visitation was twice a week, an hour each
time. Workers got a third hour a week, and if no one
else was waiting, the guards were not strict about
time Allan: 2x a week, and they don't let you have all of your
time all the time, most of the time you get cut
short on time to convenience the staff. Erik: Shast visitors could come once a week and
Susanville let visitors visit weekly but you had
to be screened by the prison first
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Sarah: yes Paul: I am assuming it was. My wife came to see me
regularly, and brought my daughter with her. She
said she had to lock her purse in a locker or
leave it in her car. I am reasonable sure her
visits were documented, but she has never even had
a traiffic citation, so I doubt she was viewed as
a security risk Allan: Yes, it was a long and demeaning process, often
being treated badly by staff. Sometimes family
would come from some distance and be denied
visiting because of time constraints with no warning
Erik: Yes the check in at Shasta jail takes an hour
and include body searches. Susanville had a
lenghty written procesws for visitors and being
where it is was usually someting to drive. You
could overnight with a loved one and the process
was lenghty.
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Sarah: Pleasent as could be expected... I guess. Paul: there were partitions between inmates all sitting
lined up side to side. The inmates looked through
safety glass at those visiting them. Communication
was through old style telephone handsets on the
wall. There was a recording as you picked up the
receiver about the conversations being recorded
for security reasons. Then after visitation was
over, the inmates would make lewd jokes and
lecherous comments about the wives and girlfriends
of other inmates Allan: cement and steel, not private, with other inmates
that were not supposed to have access to some
inmates, the trustees/ inmate workers had access
all the time sometimes "bumping" other inmates out
of a visit- and other inmate would stare at my
family members/wife and make suggestive faces or
talk shit! Erik: Shast county was clean and had glass between you
and your visitor. Susanville had a room with
vending machines and no glass. It is always nice
to see someone whon cares. Inmates clean and
prep visiting areas. Guards supervise and
inspect. Guards look for weapons and contriband
left by visitors