Interview with Hillary, Tye, Eva, Richard and Victor
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Hillary: My probation officer put out a warrant for each
of my charges... I was in jail for 21 days and
then bailed out. My bail was $5000 for each
charge. I am still waiting to be sentenced. Tye: 2 yrs department of correcions Eva: 4 years dept of corrections Richard: I was not sentence on that charge but spent 15
months in the county for it fighting the case. Victor: 4 years deferred sentence on probation
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Hillary: Yes, in booking. I actually enjoyed being in
the holding cell there. There was a bench I
could lay down and go to sleep. If I would have
stayed in booking, I would have had to just sit
on a hard metal chair. Tye: yes they held me and up to 30 people in a hol;ding
cell that was 10 by 20 in the basement of the
court house with out food until you return to your
facility. Eva: yes, it was hot and smelled there was 12 of us in
the holding area when we asked for toilet paper or
even pads we were put off for long periods of time
and then treated like we were inconciencing them
for having to get the items we needed to use the
rest room..they expected us to hold our urine for
the 6 hour transport holding time Richard: Was never ultimately sentence, but yes ive spent
so much time in holding cells its ridiculous
just a hard room with nothing but a toilet
sometimes not even. and you cant do nothing and
stuck in literally at most 20ft by 8ft and thats
at most Victor: Yes i hat to sit on a hard surface not knowing i
you are really going to court. one day my court
was set for 8 and I didn't get called to come
til 9.30