JM: How many meals did you get per day? Ryan: 2 meals and a "snack" at 10:45am (bologna
sandwich). Angel: 3 Dale: 3, pretty good food too for a Jail Peter: we got three meals a day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Ryan: I didn't like the food. Angel: The food was good Dale: Good portions. I worked in the Kitchen their and got
fed well. Breakfast is always good. This is the best
feeding Jail or Facility I ran across. 2 hot meals
and a bag lunch these days. But over all not too
bad. Not too many people ever complained much. Fish
Guts Friday is bad though. Peter: Better than other jails, that is a fact. The port
has its own farm so we got a lot of fresh fruit.
They also have a grit mill that the inmates work.
Also it is located near Tropicana so we were able
to have real juice quite often and oranges.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Ryan: I got in there on a Monday and by Thursday they
gave us a chicken patty (grilled) sandwich and
it was really good. The worst is fish gut
Friday. The fish guts is wierd, and they serve
it with ravioli. I watched other inmates chow
down on it and offer me their cornbread for fish
guts, and I told them they could have it for
free. Angel: Most of them were good but the brown
ketchup was expired Dale: Fish Gut Friday is my least favorite. Breakfast is
always pretty good. I liked the Chicken Patty
nights. Spahgetti is good too. Peter: They absolute worst was "fish gut" Friday, but
everything else was pretty good there. I liked
breakfast because we got boiled eggs and bagels
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Ryan: No. Angel: No the commissary is expensive Dale: No, other than your commissary. It was pretty good.
Overpriced.. But not to bad.
Soups/Chips/Coffee/Tea/Candy/Honey Buns basically
just your basic snack stuff. A little expensive but
they have recently added a bunch of stuff when I was
there. Peter: There was not any kind of snack time there, and
commissary was good. Kind of pricy but no more
than other jail I have been to. We got it on
Tuesday and Friday every week.