Interview with Joey, Bob, Anne, Beth, Gary, Cheev, JJ, Denise, Brett, Andrew and Bethany
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Joey: Long and frustrating Bob: Spent about 12 hours in preliminary holding cell
("drunk tank"), then processed, dressed into jail
uniforms, and sent upstairs to more long term cells. Anne: I violated my probation - that's why I had to stay in jail for 46 days.
My understanding was that when you get picked up for probation
violation you have to stay in jail until you get a court date. Beth: I am truly blessed that my case was dismissed. Gary: Me and my Boyfriend were placed into the Holding
tank for about
3 hours. Because we declared ourselves gay, we
were segregated
and had the whole tank to ourselves. After about
an hour, a
woman from inmate services interviewed us
separately to see if
we had any health conditions and to document our
states of
mind. After that, we waited another hour to be
taken to a nurse
to have a Tuberculosis test and to be
fingerprinted and booked.
We were then taken to the clothing area and given
our jail
clothes and had our personal items bagged and tagged. Cheev: i went 4 a ticket i was kidnaped 4 3 weeks & 3
days with out going to court thay said i wasnt in
the system i couldnt even bail out no visits no
nothin & and im going to file charges JJ: the judge was not on anybody side but the woman
there something up with that Denise: I spent nine months in jail for an armed robbery
that my ex-boyfriend committed before I was even
offered a bond. Sentenced and pre-trial inmates
are not separated. It is nearly impossible to get
any information on your court dates before they
wake you up at 2 am to go to a court appearance.
Getting in touch with your counsel was difficult,
even if you had a paid attorney.(I did.) Brett: Initially, going through the intake process takes
a very long time. But if you are sitting in jail
awaiting trial, you will be sitting in the
facility for a while. The court system is backed
up and slow. Before you get to general
population, you will be in ha holding cell for
hours, then transferred to a bigger holding cell
with about 60 people in it. One toilet, no phone. Andrew: i had to wait 60 days until i was even on calender
call for court, i spent most of the time stressing
because i seen alot of imates getting a lot of
time for things that should not have been much
time for the type of crime they where in for Bethany: well it was long hade too wait in line they talk
u too a cold sell make u want with 50 females in
there wit you so it was not good or fair too me
at all sometime thet take you threw there for
nothing at all ..... not good
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Joey: No Bob: Yes. Anne: Yes, the police stopped by my house because my probation officer
had a warrant issued for my arrest. Beth: No Gary: No. Before we were arrested we had no prior
warning. They just
showed up at about 11 am, said my car was in an
accident and
kicked the door in as soon as I opened it. The
officers were rude,
overly threatening and seemed trigger-happy. Beth: no arrested by Avondale Estates_ traffic stop Cheev: i was pulled over for a traffic violation my
rights wasnt read to me or nothin JJ: i was walking from loveland bbq joint im a
truck driver that is black with gold teeth
presummed to be a young thug. but im a thirty-
three year old husband and father of three that
was falsley accused of pulbic intoxication.there
was no sobriety test done to prove that i was
intoxicated,when i demanded to be test for
alcohol the sergant informed me that in dekalb
county they don'T have to give you a sobriety
test and that there word was good enough. Denise: No. Two plain clothes detectives showed up at my
mother's door. I refused to let them in because I
didn't believe they were cops, but rather hitmen
sent by my ex to kill me. I called 911 and refused
to let them in until they were positively
identified to me as police officers by a uniformed
officer. I threw up spaghetti in their car, they
let me out for a minute to finish vomiting, I came
out of the handcuffs and ran like hell. They then
proceeded to beat the hell out of me. Brett: Police did not come to my house for questioning.
I was arrested on the street. There was a warrant
out for me, and I was apprehended during a routine
traffic stop. My car was impounded. The police
did not question anyone at my household regarding
my arrest or my situation either. Andrew: no, i turned myself in for probation violation, i
figured that it would be better if i was to turn
myself in rather than the law to have to come
looking for me and that it would not look good in
court in that matter either, and it worked out Bethany: yes they came too my house i open the door they
ask for me i said im her they said put your
hands around your back and tood me too get in
the car in took me too dekalb county jail.. that
was so unfair didnt tell me what i did
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Joey: I felt like they rushed my case Bob: Spent several hours waiting to be taken to court,
then they transported us by bus to the county
courthouse, spent a few hours in holding before
and after court, then went via bus back to DeKalb
county jail. Anne: It was scary because I never been locked up before. Beth: Ok, i arrived with my mother, then when it was
time to check the schedule my name was not on
there. So that was a good sign then a few minutes
later someone came out of the courtroom and told
me that my case was dismissed. Gary: After a day of being in our Pod, we were taken to
the Magistrate
court in the middle of the night. The process was
rushed and it
seemed like the judge was overworked. The bail
amount we got was
maxed for our charges and we were carried back to
the pod. Beth: CORRUPT!!! They basically tell you how to plea.
They try mental detainees without counsel. They
put old tickets on you that you have been tried
for and if you plead not guilty they set a cash
only bond on you so high that you cant afford to
get out until your court date which they set 45
days after your appearance. We know they did not
make their quota for this year but this is
ridiculous. Internal Affairs need to come from
Washington or some higher courts. it is
unconstitutional what goes on down their. They
need cameras or close it down!! Cheev: they didnt take me to court 4 over 3 weeks JJ: the court room was filled with black and
hispanic inmates,with the majority of the cases
being public intoxication with a payment of
three hundred ninety nine dollars to bring money
to dekalb county GA. Denise: After sitting in a freezing cold cell with no
food, water, or private toilet facility with 20
women for 12 plus hours, the officer screams your
name, cuffs you from behind and shackles you, and
takes you up to a courtroom on the elevator. In my
case, before my attorney got our cases severed,
those elevator rides were taken with my psychotic
ex as well, who would whisper that he loved me &
he only told on us because I left him after he
nearly killed me. I am shaking just talking about it. Brett: The court proceedings were long and drawn out. I
was transferred to court from the jail. The
public was seen first by the judge, so all inmates
sat there and listened to different cases. During
lunch break, we were transferred to holding cells
within the court building, and ate in the holding
cells. Andrew: very scary when the judge has control over your
life and freedom, i believe that in the long run
it really isnt worth the time and effort to give
the court and judge control over your life it waS
VERY stressful and i pray i dont have to deal with
that issue again Bethany: they get u up at 5am tell u too get ready for
court, feed u then get u in line take u on the
bus drive u too the court , put u in a nasty
cell with other woman till they call me for
court and i had too wait...
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Gary: For me, it was Attempted Armed Robbery. I haven't
had my court
yet. Beth: DUS on 07/18/2011. My license has been
reinstated since 04/01/2011. The charge they
held me on for 15 days, I had already been tried
for in state court on 07/12/2011- got 80hrs of
community service due by November 11, 2011. I
plan to sue the city of Avondale Estates and
Recorders Court- they took 15 days of my life
from me, my childern, school, lost my job etc. Cheev: driving on a suspended lic JJ: when i enter the police department i found out
that i had been charged with public intox. Denise: Armed robbery, kidnapping, possession of a firearm
during the commission of a felony. My charges were
reduced to robbery, for which I served five years
in prison. Brett: My charges were possession with intention to
distribute exstacy pills. Andrew: probation violation, on probation for possesion of
weed Bethany: weed charge, and drivin with out D.L