Interview with Kelly, Bill, Katrina, Billy and Cory
JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Kelly: We wore uniforms and they were regularly cleaned. Bill: blue pants, blue sleeveless shirt. one
sweatshirt. 2 pairs of oversized underwear. Katrina: You can not bring in any of your clothes to wear they issue it to
you Billy: The only clothing they let you wear is your socks.You have to
purchase the underwear and longjohns from commissary Cory: no personal clothes are allowed. Your personal
clothes are kept until you go home. you are
stripped and put on all jail clothes.
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Kelly: Our uniforms were navy. The uniforms were large and did not fit
perfectly but you wore them as well as the undergarments. I did
borrow a sweatshirt and wore it regularly. Katrina: It was a blue outfit it was navy blue sometimes it would be a
one piece jumpsuit or a two piece shirt and pants uniform Billy: The set uniform i had was blue,it was like a jumpsuit that you
work in. They will issue you one pair of white underwear. The
jumpsuit sometimes might be big or small depends on what
you get. Cory: You are issued a blue pullover top and blue
pants. a sweatshirt, a pair of socks,
underclothes and a tee shirt, a pair of slide in
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Kelly: I would request a sweatshirt if ever I return to prison, which I do
not plan to have happen. Katrina: It was so cold you have to make sure that you get a sweatshirt Billy: In jail there is no high demand clothes. You have to wear the
same color and jumpsuit as everyone else Cory: the jail was very cold, so we would ask for
another blanket or another sweatshirt, but was
denied both.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Kelly: I think the men and women's uniforms are very similar. Katrina: Everyone wore county blues men and women Billy: The clothing for men and women are the same. They have two
colors. Orange is for felony charges and blue is for no violent
charges Cory: the only thing that the women had different from
men was the bras. Everything else was the same.