Interview with Kelly, Bill, Katrina, Billy, Cory and Emily
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Kelly: We had about thirty minutes daily to go into the gym to play
basketball or walk. Bill: A TV with one channel that was only on a few
hours a day. Katrina: The only thing available was tv and the tv didn't have any
sound at all so you just seen the pictures if you wanted to play
cards you had to order them off of commissary for 3.59 oh and
you could order word finds for 3.00 from off of commissary Billy: The types of facilities that were available to help pass time
away was Basketball, we had access
to the phone if one was available at the time, we had access to
play cards, we had access to tv, we
had access to a bible or go to church. We could write letters, or
draw Cory: There was reallty nothing to help pass the time
but the television and every once in a while you
find a magazine here or there. AA meeting were
held once a week and church was held once a week.
I may have gone outside 1 time in the 3 months I
was there.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Kelly: We had television which was on except for lock downs and time to
have drills and during room check. Bill: As much ebtertainment as was allowed...i.e.
checkers, or approximatley 3 hrs of TV a day. Katrina: You had access to it but if they are feeding its no tv if they are
doing medication it's no tv and its hard watching a tv with no
volume then you have to take a vote on what to watch which is
hard when it's 32 women trying to watch tv Billy: Yes we has regular access to entertainment. We had access to
use the phone when available, We can go to rec to play
basketball, we had several card games going on, we only had
church on Sunday morning, as for the tv the houseman take a
vote on what we wanted to watch but we could turn the tv
ourselves Cory: there really was no type of entertainment, other
than the television set and basically the people
that had been there the longest basically had the
say on the TV. they had designated programs that
you watch on certain days and to avoid trouble
you ride with whatever was on the television.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Emily: yes Kelly: I walked all of the time round and round the room. I could not do
any other exercise as there was no room but I did walk regularly. Katrina: Yes it's hard to stay in shape no exercise and all they feed you
is bread and starch and with nothing to do you gain weight Billy: No i didnt have a hard time staying in shape because i
exercised everyday and
they didnt feed us much Cory: you have nothing to do but eat and sleep and
watch television. Exercises privilege or going
outside is scare, so keeping in shape was very
difficult, unless you tried to do it in a 5 x 7
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Emily: only to smoke and community work Kelly: We were allowed thirty minutes to go to the gym daily except if we
were in lock down. Katrina: You don't get to go outside at all there are no outside
privalages in FULTON county jail only exercise you can do is
sit-ups and push-ups Billy: We didnt get to go outside to exercise,we had to exercise and
play games inside. We couldnt go outside because people
were trying to
escape Cory: Again, I only recall going outside maybe once,
Doing that time you try to run around the court
or something, but the space was so limited
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Kelly: We had church each Sunday for one hour. The services were given
by different people but very good. Katrina: Yes they offer church services it's never the same you never
know the type of service if its catholic or what and on Sundays Billy: Yes the jail offered church services.The church services was
ok, we got to go over a lot of things in the bible and the ones
who wanted to share their personal business about how they
got in jail. Cory: Yes, they did on a Sunday morning, we went to
like a break room area. The services were very
informal, but helpful and the people often
offered to talk and pray for you individually.