JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Greg: It was crowded and me and two other guys where in
the same holding cell while doing the booking and
only 1 chair, forcing me to sit on the COLD DIRTY
floor for hours without even being checked on.
After i got my cell in general population it was
also crowded and had to get a 1 inch thick mat to
sleep on the floor in the cell while everyone else
had bunk beds. The cell was designed for 2 inmates
while most had 3 in there. I also only had 1
toilet paper roll to share with 2 other men. Tyler: I got arrested for probation violation last and I
went to jail April 9th 2014 and went a bond
herring to be denied bond and then I saw my
probation officer and was told I had to sit in
jail until June 25th for probation revocation. It
is possible to get a probation bond in some cases
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Greg: I was at a party and the owner of the property
showed up drunk and didn't know who me (and other
guest were), and called the cops. The cops arrested
3 of us (others got away). Cops didn't ask our
stories at all, they just arrested us and took us
off. And the LOST my wallet as well. Tyler: no-- I tuned myself in to my probation officer. I
did not know I violated so when I went to
probation office I got locked up; however while
on active probation I did get random visits at my
house and job from my probation officer to check
up on me
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Greg: They brought a whole bunch of us in at the same
and we waited our turn. When it was time i just
stood up in my row and the judge gave a sentence
once again did NOT ask my side of the story. I
probably would have been let out if she just let
tell my story! Tyler: court was quick once I walked in courtroom the
court orders were reviewed and I signed my
papers. the waiting period for court was long
being cramped in a cell that is small with a lot
of people waiting for court. but once the judge
is ready court goes pretty fast
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Greg: Original charges was Criminal Trespass and Burglary.
Dropped to Criminal Trespass with the intent to
commit a burglary. Tyler: I was tried and convicted of first degree forgery