JM: How many different blocks were there? Harley: There was 4 differnt blocks. Ryan: Minimum, Medium, Maximum security. They did have
blocks with different names but I don't know them.
I do know that if the women's block is full and
more room needed, they put the women in the
minimum and ship the men to any open bunk.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Harley: No there wasn't that I recall I didnt pay much
attention. Ryan: they do have names - slang names in there - but I
don't know them.
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Harley: Maximum for the idiots medium for the not so bad
and minimum like I was in.The people that was in
there with me was the worst. Ryan: You would hope the baddest would be in Max
security. But I understand that's not always the
case. A simple 48 hour oui could go in with a
murderer if they don't have the room for him. I
actually knew of one inmate who was in for a
serious offense, caused a lot of trouble in the
blocks, and had been in all the different blocks
in the time I was there. Including holding for
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Harley: The nicest thing was when you could eat, other
than that there wasn't anything good about it. Ryan: nothing nice in holding. In minimum there was a
TV and a table to gather at. Play cards and all.
It was here that I was made aware that the jail
is the best place in the county to get drugs. I
was then showed how to hide them in the shoes
issued, and the easiest way to get them brought in.