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Interview with Jennifer, Robert, Kathleen, Holly, Damon and Wade

JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)?
Jennifer: you can bring socks, underwear, a no underwire bra, white shirt, beater. it all has to be white and they have to be worn by you when you bring them, you cant just pacvk a bag to bring.
Robert: you could only bring what you wear. socks, underwear, white t-shirt and thats about it you have to buy everything else off of commissary.
Kathleen: You could keep your socks and your underwear your bra if it was a sports bra boxers t shirt if it was white a thermal if it was white sweat pants that's it.
Holly: Underwear Bra Socks Undershirts Shorts And you could only have a certain amount of those items brought in to the jail.
Damon: they took all of our clothes except our underwear , t shirts , and until people started getting beat up for shoes they would sometimes let people keep their shoes.
Wade: I was allowed the clothes on my back, but my shoelaces were taken from me. I did not need to change uniform so I cannot fully establish the turht in Balitmore County Jails.

JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you.
Jennifer: The clothing that was issued to me was blue scrubs. and orange sandels. the blue scrubs are like nursing scrubs but thicker. and the sandels were hard rubber and very hard to wear.
Robert: we had a jumpsuit that you had to wear with orange sandles or blue shoes. it was different colors for the different cell blocks for the inmateds
Kathleen: Since I was on a working tier I had to wear a green shirt with green pants everyday I also had to wear my blue working shoes.
Holly: They give u a pair of sandals. 2 pairs of pants and 2 pairs of shirts that's it no underclothes just the basic top and bottom.
Damon: I wore a khaki jumpsuit with a t shirt on under it and my state issued karate like shoes. I had to harness my clothes in the toilet.
Wade: I had no set uniform, but the general set uniform for inmates was a jumpsuit colored in regards to the per-established security level an offender should be considered as. I myself would have been the lowest ranking, I believe blue.

JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned?
Jennifer: there was nothing in high demand that inmates looked for when getting clothing assigned. every inmate got the same clothes and the same things.
Robert: no they didnt have any assigned clothing in high demand that other inmates wanted.
Kathleen: A lot of inmates always had issues with the fittings of the clothes so it was always a high demand for the fit right.
Holly: no its a jail uniform all. The same stuff all the same.
Damon: if you can get extra pants or a pair of basketball shorts , you have pajamas for the winter
Wade: No, due to the clothing color being destined for inmate security level, no clothing was changing hands.

JM: Was the clothing different between men and women?
Jennifer: yes the clothing was different between men and women. women had scrubs and the men were in jumpsuits. the clothing colors depends on what unit you are in.
Robert: the women wore scrubs and the men wore jumpsuits. they had different colors for different cell blocks.
Kathleen: No all the men and women wore the same colors.
Holly: No the clothing was the same.
Damon: yes the women had bright orange colored jumpsuits.
Wade: I couldn't tell, but from what I could tell women were never given the highest security level clothing, again it was a day.

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