Interview with Jennifer, Robert, Kathleen, Holly, Damon and Wade
JM: How often could you receive visitors? Jennifer: you can receive vistors from monday- sundays at
anytime but shift change and when your in the
processing cell block you are not allowed
vistors. Robert: you can receive vistors all week long for 30
minutes if the vistor is out of state you get to
visit for an hour it is all behind glass. Kathleen: I could receive visitors all day from 9am up until 10pm it
depended on the day though . Holly: I'm not too sure of that process I wasn't there long enough to
receive. Visits. Damon: every section had a day each week where they could
have visitors if the visitors were in the waiting g
room at the right time. Wade: I received no visitors during my time and by
chance while walking home with no shoelaces
clutching bus tokens that could get me somewhat
near home I ran into my very frantic mother.
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Jennifer: yes there was a check in process for visting. it
takes about 10 mintues they write done all your
information from your id. to make sure you are
who you say you are. Robert: no the check in process was not lengthy it takes
about 10 minutes for them to take down your
information and then you get to go see the inmate Kathleen: They had to have a vaild id once they came to the jail they
had to leave all of their belongings in a locker and once they
walked threw a metal detector they got patted and scanned
down they were allowed upstairs. Holly: I'm not sure noone came too visit me I was not there long enough
and not really familiar with the process of check in to visitation? Damon: from what people have told me after coming to see me
it was a very lengthy process including many
searches , id checks , and very long waits. Wade: Again no one came to see me, but generally so long
as you pass a basic metal detector and bag search
you can visit inmates with not much difficulty.
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Jennifer: the visiting environment was ok not the best.
there is a big glass between you and your
vistor. and the time you have with them can be
up to 30 minutes, depending on the graud you
have. they can also be longer if the person
visiting you is out of state. Robert: your behind a glass and you talk thru a phone or
holes are poked out to talk to the inmates. the
visiting area is usually very dirty. it depends
on the gruad how long you have a visit for
sometimes they forget and let you visit for
longer but thats rarely happens. Kathleen: It was small very small and it was a thick glass with a little.
speaker you could talk threw .I didn't like it because it made
you want to reach out to that person and you couldn't.
Sometimes you had to wait minute before your visitor could
come in when they did sometimes it wasn't enough seats so
they would have to stand . Holly: The visiting environment wasn't much it was a glass between you
with a telephone and a stool and a wall seperating you and a
looking at you it wasn't really.much that was all I really saw of the
visiting area I didn't get any visits I was only there for a week Damon: the visiting room was basically a big room with a
cell type wall down the middle. you were on one side
and your visitors were on the other side . everyone
had to talk loud so they could hear thier visitors
over the Loud noise of everyone else talking too. Wade: As I have heard from more hardened inmates it is a
very sterile environment that allows very little
to no (depending on the institution) touching and
can be very difficult to have intimate
conversation with families and loved ones. All
inmates are searched upon return and it can
occasionally be seen by family members which can
(reasonably) be very disenfranchising to many