JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Darrin: Yes. many of the young inmates think they have
something to prove especially if it is there first
time in the jail. they frequently try to start
fights with other inmates to try to get control of
the cell or prove they are not a punk when the
older inmates just want to do there time and go
home to their families. Jessica: Yes and no. Really its an open concept. Then you
have people that are up all night after lights
out talking. Then you have people that get up at
6am when lights come on. People in a closed area
either make it or don't. Women I have found think
they run the roost. You have people that want to
be left alone, people who cry, people who are
pissed off. I mean really I just kept to myself.
But you can make it fun we played charades.
Worked out. Made time go by.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Darrin: most of the time i would spend my time on my bunk
in my cell to avoid the young kids that want to
gamble and fight and talk bout the women they used
or want to use and talk about the drugs they used
and wanted to use soon as they get out and them
being loud and obnoxious. Jessica: Now in county people would fight I personally
never had any issues its kinda like this, if you
carry yourself well you should be just fine. I am
talking manners respect and faith. But there are
always those who wanna tell you what to do. You
cant show fear. They will eat you up...cause
that's what they like. Then they can have a hold
on you. It is like high school for troubled style.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Darrin: at Montcalm County Jail the computer and guards
chose where you lock at there is no choice of what
cell or bunk you get. although they do try to put
like personalities together when they can to
reduce fights. Jessica: Well county no but prison yes. County they put
people where they want they really do a good job
of keeping the loud ones in a cell and the quite
ones in a cell. Now there was 10-12 people in my
cell at all times. They would change regularly.
People would come in couple days leave. Some have
been there months.