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Good Behavior

Interview with Cyle, Caesar, Liz, Samuel, Nick and Teresa

JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior?
Cyle: Yes, the judge released me one day early.
Caesar: I was a trustee, so i got 2 for 1. If you do road crew, you can get 3 for 1.
Liz: i got 2 for 1 as a trustee
Samuel: Yes I was road crew trustee 3. For 1
Nick: yes i behaved good and got a few months off
Teresa: No I did not get off early based on good behavior.

JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior?
Cyle: I don't know.
Samuel: 3-1
Nick: because of good behavior i got a few months off
Teresa: I am not sure as I do not know anyone who has gotten time off for good behavior nor have I.

JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior?
Cyle: Getting into fights or angering the officers.
Liz: no violent crimes to do trustee.
Samuel: Any trouble
Nick: staying out of any trouble at all. I seen others who got off for good behavior they were the one or two i was able to talk to
Teresa: My guess would be to get time off for good behavior is to be a model prisoner and stay out of fights and be completely respectful to the guards and not to be caught with contraband.

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