Interview with Cyle, Caesar, Liz, Samuel, Nick and Teresa
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Cyle: Yes. Caesar: yes. 4 in the pod. 2 in the barracks. Liz: most of the time Samuel: Yes $9 for 45 minutes Nick: i could ask to make a collect call, it was up to the
people that worked there whether they would let me
or not, mostly not. Teresa: Yes i had regular access to telephones.
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Cyle: The only way to place calls was by collect. Caesar: had to be collect calls, and only to landlines. Liz: the phone company just changed so it went to 15m
for $15 Nick: the first call is free, but then the person you are
calling has to set up an account for a fee. Its like
10.00 a call. Teresa: The first call is free after that you would have to
call collect which you can only do to a landline and
the average charges an inmate pays is about 10.00
per call which the person you are calling pays for
at first.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Cyle: See above. Caesar: Yes. $9 for 45 min. to local numbers. Liz: you can buy phone cards off commisairy $9 for 3 15
min calls Samuel: Yes off commissary Nick: cant buy phone cards, only limited collect calls Teresa: Yes I bought phone cards to call out.
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Cyle: Probably. Caesar: I don't think so Liz: it says it does but im doubting it Samuel: I'm sure they do Nick: there is a recording before the call is connecting
saying its screened Teresa: Yes the jail screens all calls made.