Interview with Cyle, Caesar, Liz, Samuel, Nick and Teresa
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Cyle: I was arrested for outstanding warrants for
traffic tickets. The officers led me into the
jailhouse and insisted that i remove my belt and
my wedding ring. I tried lying and saying that I
could NOT remove my ring, as it was too small now
and surprisingly it worked! They actually let me
wear it. Caesar: I had a probation violation. It was revoked, got
a date to turn myself in, and did. Liz: you go from booking to holding to property where
your striped and sprayed with cold bugspray, short
shower, and changed out. then more holding (detox)
and shackles and transport to the main jail, for
more holding and finally to your new home. then
look forward to a tb shot. Samuel: Holding cell for 24-48 hours. Very cold then to main
population Nick: we waited to see the judge and was told to give a
plea, i plead guilty and then was immediately sent
back to my cell to wait exercise lay sleep or if
lucky enough to find a nice person to talk to i
would talk to them which was very rare Teresa: The pre-sentencing process that they come and get
you out of your holding cell, put me in hand cuffs,
and then they walk me to the court room where i sit
and wait the all the other inmates while waiting for
the judge to call us up each one by one.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Cyle: No, I was brought in from the location that I was
pulled over. Caesar: n/a Liz: i turned myself in...if you can, turn yourself helps out A LOT when you go to court if
the judge knows about it Samuel: Turned myself in Nick: yes the police came to my door and explained there
was a warrant for my arrest for felony criminal
mischief and i gave them no trouble at all, i let
them cuff me and walk me to the car and let them
transport me to the denton county jail, we talked on
the way there Teresa: The police came to my place of residence and my
girlfriend answered the door and they asked her for
me. I came to the door and the police told me there
was a warrant for my arrest and then they handcuffed
me and put me in the back of their car and took me
to jail.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Cyle: I did not have a court appearance. Liz: You dont go to court right away, you never know
how long its really going to take until its set.
Its time consuming and you will be starving after
its over with, you go through holding cells and
shackles from 5:45a-your court time and are there
until noon or so then you go back to the main jail
after another sitting in holding Samuel: Wake up early transport you to the holding cell where u wait
about four hours before and after u see the judge Nick: they brought us all out of our cells, had us watch a
video of what was going to happen and the choices we
had for when the judge came out to call us one by
one to set bail or set sentencing. I had a bail of
5,000.00 and was given a chance to make a collect
call Teresa: The court is located inside of the jail and has its
own room with lots of seating for the inmates to
come and get their sentencing for their charges.
They let you watch a video while you wait explaing
what you can tell the judge for example what plead
guilty means or no contest.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Liz: poss(mis B)/dwi Samuel: Possession of marijuana Nick: my original charges were felony criminal mischief Teresa: The orginial charges were for marijuana possesion