Interview with Cyle, Caesar, Liz, Samuel, Nick and Teresa
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Cyle: 2, a partially microwaved sausage biscuit and a
99cent microwave dinner. Caesar: 3 Liz: 3. breakfast at 4am, lunch at 10:30am, dinner at 4pm. Samuel: 3 Nick: there were 3 meals a day Teresa: We were given three meals a day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Cyle: Absolutely terrible. The officers clearly did
care how well we ate. Caesar: horrible Liz: 2-4, the men cook it...its definately not
appetizing and everything is as fake as it gets. Samuel: Poor Nick: nasty, banquet meals, spaghetti, meatloaf with
mashed potatoes, turkey with gravy and green beans,
alot of times was still cold, we also had cereal for
breakfast with one pint of milk to go with it and
for lunch it was cold nasty sandwhiches that i was
afraid to eat any of it Teresa: The food was pretty horrible. We only got one hot
meal a day and that was breakfast. Most of the food
was pretty bland and tasteless. For dinner all we
would get was a meal consisting of cold sandwhiches
and sometimes a small bag of chips. The drinks were
watered down koolaid.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Cyle: No. Caesar: They were all bad. Some less than other, but
bad nonetheless. I heard some stories about
cockroaches on the food, by people that worked
in the kitchen. Liz: my favorite meals were pancakes and peanut butter
for bf, beans and cornbread with a cookie lunch,
and spicy breaded patties with bread and a brownie
dinner. The least favorite was everything else
they served. Samuel: Everyone loves waffles and pb but the milk was my favorite
part of the meal Nick: all the meals were so nasty and undercooked. I had a
hard time eating if i ate at all, but i had to eat
something or die Teresa: Least favorite meals would be the sandwhiches we
received for dinner as it tasted like old sandwhich
meat. There were no favorites.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Cyle: No. Caesar: Commissary offered Soups (ramen type) and
chips. Commisary came on Tuesday and Friday.
You had to put in your order by Sunday for
Tuesday's and by Wednesday for Friday's
commisary. Liz: no, unless you buy commisary Samuel: Wide variety on commissary Nick: no snacks just three meals a day free, breakfast
cereal and milk, lunch cold frozen nasty sandwhiches
and dinner was undercooked banquet dinner meals and
the drinks for lunch and dinner was a small cup of
gatorade Teresa: The only snacks you could get outside of the meals
came from the commecary cart, but you had to buy
those snacks which would come from money on your
books that could only be put their by friends or
family. The stuff on the cart was priced similar to
service station prices for snacks.