JM: How many different blocks were there? Ron: I remember they were named after local ski resorts. Snowbird,
Solitude, Alta. Amber: Unsure, I was only in psych ward. Debra: 4 blocks and 1 intake.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Ron: Ski resorts. I only remember Snowbird, Solitude and Alta but I'm
sure there were more. Oh yeah, I think Sundance was one too. Amber: Yeah, they did but I never learned them all. I think they are named
after ski resorts in Utah. Debra: Brighton 1
Brighton 2
Brighton 3 - I believe this is intakes
Brighton 4
Brighton 5
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Ron: I can't remember all of them but I do remember when somebody
had to PC-up (go into protective custody usually because they got
caught snitching on other inmates) they would go to Solitude 2
where all the child molesters were. I think Solitude 1 was "the hole." Amber: Not sure. Debra: Brighton 3- Hole
Brighton 5- Never been there or didn't do too
much wrong. Didn't know a persons behavior or had
been in there before.
Brighton 4- laundry
Brighton 2- Population
Brighton 1- Intake
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Ron: When you first come in you usually spent time in Alta or Sundance.
They are nice and clean but look like what you would picture any
institutional setting. There were cells with two inmates each and
you were locked down a lot of the day with not a lot of freedom.
Commissary options sucked in here too.
Snowbird was where all the inmates wanted to be (well, actually the
"annex" was since that was a separate building and more like a
minimum security facility but that wasn't an option for most people
unless they were granted work release as an option by their judge).
Snowbird was just a huge dorm setting with a ton of bunk beds. I
didn't like how it seemed dirty and was always loud but most
inmates prefer that to the locked down area. Amber: The nicest part of psych ward is not having to have any contact with
other inmates. Debra: Brighton 5 you can order soda pop and ramen
noodles. Brighton 2 and Brighton 3, Regular
population and hole, you can only get hygiene I
think. Recreation time and commensaries were the
biggest differences that I saw. I was only ever
in Brighton 5 so I am not for sure.