JM: How many meals did you get per day? Ron: Three. Amber: Three mess a day. Debra: We got 3 meals per day.
Breakfast was at 6 am. Lunch was at 11 am. Dinner
was at 4:30 pm.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Ron: Considering it's jail I didn't think it was too bad. The worst meals we
had were almost inedible, though, so having some commissary is
important if you don't want to be hungry. Don't gamble away your
best meals - I can't tell you how many people I know lost their
biscuits and gravy breakfast in a bet and had to give it up next time
we had it. Amber: Not good. Debra: The food on a one to ten scale, I would rate it a
five. Food is food, and it definitely kept me
from starving. The meals on wheels for dinner was
not too bad. Could have been worse, that's for
sure. Most days, lunch was usually a sandwich and
an apple.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Ron: Best - biscuits and gravy, fruits and vegetables were good in the fall
when the jail's farm was harvesting them (inmates go work on the
farm and grow surprisingly good stuff)
Worst - there was some processed "turkey" with nasty gravy on it
that most people would skip in favor of ramen noodles Amber: Don't remember anything good. Debra: My least favorite meal was probably... um,
breakfast because I can't really remember a good
meal that I ever had, or any breakfast meal.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Ron: I think I dropped like $30 or $40/week on commissary. It was
overpriced but you could get stuff like honeybuns, candy bars,
ramen, chips, soda and more. Anybody who gets fat while in the
Utah County Jail is doing it on commissary, not the jail food. Amber: No commissary in psych ward. Debra: No, there was not any snacks offered outside of
the three meals that we were given.
Ramen Noodles cost 75 c for one thing. (Kind of
expensive, I thought.)
Chips were about $1.25.
The Honeybuns were the best and cheapest deal!