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Interview with Ron, Amber and Debra

JM: How long was your sentencing for?
Ron: One year.
Amber: My sentencing was the second time I went to court so probably like 10 mins
Debra: My sentencing was for two years in prison.

JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead?
Ron: Yes, I was in a holding cell at the Provo court house for about two hours. There was a couple of guys in there and a girl. They were all talking about their cases and charges and I learned a lot about the legal system since they had all spent a lot of time in jail prior. Sad that fellow inmates seemed to know better how the system worked than my own attorney.
Amber: No, I didnt spend any time in a holding cell, after my sentencing I was released the same day of my sentencing due some mental problems that I have.
Debra: I spent two hours in a holding cell after my sentencing. I was changed up by my hands and feet in front of others that are in there. I had to go to the bathroom like that.

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