JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Ron: The cops came to my ask and asked me a few questions. I had
already talked to a lawyer so I didn't tell them anything. A couple of
weeks later I received a letter in the mail telling me about a court
date. The case kept being continued by my attorney and the
prosecutor so it was about six months before finally pleading guilty
and being sentenced. Amber: I missed my pre-sentencing court date that I was
supposed to go to so I do dont know what they or
didnt do with that. I know from watching them
when ive had my court date all they do is asign
you a lawyer and then you get another court date Debra: I got sentenced to prison for two years from my last charge for
possession of spice after my last charge of possession of meth. I
completed the family drug court graduated. 13 days after
graduation I got sentenced for two years after having possession of
spice. The judge that I have seen for 10 years sentenced me for two
years after that.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Ron: Yes - see above. I was never really "arrested" but was taken into
custody after my last court appearance. Amber: since I Missed my court i had a warrant out for
my arrest , one night when I was getting for bed
I heard a knock on my door and there was the
cops and they arrested me. AT first I scared but
then I realized that I was the one that missed
my court date. Debra: Orem Police showed up to my house looking for a felon that was at
my house, arrested him and left. Then they searched my house.
When I
originally got sentenced it was for possession of
spice that they found when my PO searched my
purse outside the jail that was inside my car.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Ron: Honestly it was so horrible I don't really recall anything. I thing I've
suppressed it. I do remember that I dressed pretty nice (wore a suit)
and I think that was a bad move. You should dress more casual but
in a button-up or something. If you are perceived as being
overprivileged by the judge or the over the other inmates in the
court room it can create problems for you down the road. Amber: the first time I had court, I met with my lawyer
for like 5 minutes and then went in front of the
judge and he said that my case was going to go
until the next week.then they brought my down
into the holding cell for what seemed like a
hour, but it was probably like a half hour. the
second time I was in court I was relesed. Debra: Court was nerve-wracking. No one thought I would
be sentenced to prison with just a spice charge.
My public defender tried to fight it. They had no
way to test it, but just because they found it.
They tested it and out of 130 ingredients, 2 of
them are illegal in Utah, and that is what
sentenced me.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Amber: I was charged wit felonies, but I got misdemonies Debra: Possession of Meth and Possession of Spice. I got
charged for Class A, and Class B.