JM: How many different blocks were there? Ian: That jails holds about 900 inmates. 4 Sections. 3
Pods for men and 1 for women. There are two man
cells. Ron: I am not sure but I remember hearing a-g so 6
blocks. Bodie: In weber county I am not sure. There is one for
the females and 3 for the guys i believe each
block has so many pods. There are 4 pods to each
block least in the female side there is .
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Ian: ABC and 123. Ron: a-g like Alpha, fox, golf ect. there was also levels
system 1-5 1.super max 2. max ect. Bodie: They sure did Females is alpha pod the guys had
delta fox and golf i believe. alpha is the
female pods and the rest are the male pods
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Ian: Each pod is broken down into levels. Level 1
Super Max is for serious violent offenders. Level
2 is for Max which is the transition between the
violent offenders and general population which is
on Level 3. Ron: super max was for habitually violent inmates. max
for those who broke the rules and got in fights ect. Bodie: depends are your levels there's 1-2 that are med-
max then level 3 med . then level 4 that min.
and level 5 thats min and then super max. or
something like that
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Ian: The nicest part to me is the handball court. You
also can meet a lot of good people in there. The
worst part is going in there and not knowing
where they are going to put you. First time you
come in they go to R&O which you're by yourself
just waiting to see what will happen. Ron: Nice??? that is tough. It was fairly clean. The
worst was the "yard" was enclosed in cement there
was no way to see any nature or out side. Bodie: each block has restrictions the higher the level
the more privelieges you have . Nice to be out
til 9pm in level 4 where in 3 you are locked
down by quarter to 6 i believe for the rest of
the night. where in 4 you dnt have til 9pm and
then level 5 you can come back out after count
til 11pm and you pretty much dnt get watched in
level 5 they trust you enough to know what to
do. Level 4 is 12 man cells that 12 females to
one roon (and vice versa males) two toilets two
sinks and 6 bunks thats alot of noise and girls
to room with and I didn't like that set up at
all the other levels are 2man cells level 4 got
most inmates as level 5 got just a few. you get
better commisarry you can order and more classes
you can attend.