Interview with Cami, Tombstone, Strawberry, Tonya, Jay, Fred, Alice and Patrick
JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Cami: Yeah, I found that women are very moody and
temperamental, especially when their freedom has
been taken away because of there own stupidity. I
found that staying to myself for the most part
kept me away from conflict for the most part. I
wasn't there to make any friends, therefore I didn't. Tombstone: Yes, there are some rough ass people in a County
lock-up; you have to be real careful not to
disrespect anyone;there were 4 fights in the pod I
was in,in a 3-month span. Strawberry: well that all actually depends on your roommates
and your attitude...i kept to myself the first
month...then as they got to know me they warmed
up and i was accepted into a crew. Tonya: No Jay: No it wasn't hard I mean everybody got
something that they don't like about
somebody else or somebody might do
things that's annoying but I mean their
wasn't to much you could do about it if u
wad to say something they might take
offense and wanna fight or say
something smart like "If you don't like it
make bond this jail" so to avoid
confrontations I just didn't put myself in
those type of situations Fred: On the most part no. I mainly tried to
stay to myself and not try to get in others
peoples business because that is the
quickest way to get into a fight. Alice: YES. because of the overcrowding and the variety of
personalities, many women were also not receiving
the medication they needed,it made it difficult to
get along with many of the other inmates. Patrick: I kept my mouth shut nothing more nothing left, I
did not discuss my case, my affairs, by busines or
anything else, I wanted to get out and never be
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Cami: I had to set my schedule for the day according to
how late the other roommates slept in my pod, if
they were up late I would be up late to because of
the noise, and if they slept in late I would
either sleep in late myself or get out of my pod
and go to the dayroom where all the other inmates
would watch tv and stuff. Tombstone: Stick to yourself,you`ll see the troublemakers
right off,& try to avoid them unless you want more
time added to you; you also have to really watch
out for some of the Deputies,they are rougher than
some of the Cons,I saw one drag a young guy down a
flight of stairs,feet-first,hitting his head on
each step. Strawberry: Watch my mouth and my actions...and just try to
stay out of peoples way. Tonya: Stay to myself Jay: Like I was saying in the last question I
avoided alot of confrontation by not
putting myself in a lot of bullshit and by
not associating with a lot of people I
mean but sometimes you just can't help
but to fight cause I mean its just some
ignorant people in there who just like
drama and you didn't want to make
yourself look vulnerable by backing
down all the time Fred: I would mainly just try and stay to myself
and watch TV or I would write a letter to
my family. Sometimes I would play
spades or pluck with the inmates I did
associate with. If there was not a card
game going I would play chess or play
checkers Alice: it was difficult to avoid the fights, even if i
didn't respond it seemed to anger the inmate even
more. One inmate with obvious mental problems came
at me and pushed me and even spat at me. There was
no help from the Co's. over a piece of toilet paper,
I had a brush thrown across the room at me. Patrick: shut up keep your mouth shut and that is the best
thing you can do, they have about a fight per month
per dorm, which is not really that bad considering
all the issues in the jail, and the population
within the jail, the close or over population and
the fact that most people are violent
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Cami: No, they do not give you any choice in who your
roommates at all, you are just stuck with whoever
you get, unless there is a conflict between two
individuals, than they will move you to a
different sector. Tombstone: No, they place you by whatever space is
available,its really over-crowded there,I had to
sleep on the floor on a mattress.. Strawberry: NO! Tonya: No Jay: No you could not choose your cellmate
the county was the only place I went that
had cells the prisons had dorms but in
the county you change cellmates a lot or
not at all I mean it just depends on if
they make bond or go down the road
something like that you might get
somebody who can't make bond and
their court date is far off Fred: No I wasn't able to pick who I wax in the
cell with. My cellmates would change
when one cellmate got released or if a
cellmate went to lockup for bad behavior Alice: no I had no choice who my cell mates were. there was
one that was consistent, but in the two months I was
there, we had about 6 other cell mates who came and
went Patrick: I was in 50 man dorm so just have a 2 or 4 man cell
was not an issue, I would have rather been in a
smaller cell, but that is the way it is.