Interview with Cami, Tombstone, Tonya, Jay, Fred, Alice, Patrick and Strawberry
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Cami: The presentencing process is conducted by a
probationary member and is focused on the type of
correctional discipline you need according to your
prior infractions with the law and your current
case. Depending on your own ability to conduct
yourself in an appropriate manner. Tombstone: I didnt go thru the pre-sentencing;I was
transferred back from a Federal facility for a
civil trial,there Tonya: Judge gave me time served but court isn't
showing any record of judge's decision, but yet
they released me. Why are they still showing I
have warrent when I served my time out
Jay: Once arrested and booked, I'd have to
wait a business day or two to be
arraigned. At the arraignment arges or
violations and asked to enter a plea.
would set a court date, usually a month
out el or needed to be appointed
counsel. The first court I went to was
district court were then I applied for
youthful offender they denied me so I
waived it to circuit court. Fred: I sat in jail for 16 months before being
sentenced. I wasn't able to get a fast and
speedy trial or any information regarding
my case. I was locked down for 18 hours
a day. We would come out eat our meal
and would have to go back in our cells Alice: pre-sentencing I was in drug court. I was sentenced
for two weeks and came back to court to receive my
sentencing for 2 months in county and then prison. I
sat in the county for two weeks and then 2 months to
wait until adoc called for me to come to tutwiler. Patrick: NOne, they just sentance you , they may have come
by and ask some goffy questions like did you finish
high school, do you do drugs, but nothing that meant
anything to anyone, just goverment works, acting
real tuff and like they have to do somehting. I saw
no value in it.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Cami: No, I did not have any police officers stop by my
house for questioning. Tombstone: No Tonya: I was transferred from Blount County Jail to
Jefferson County Jay: Yes I had detectives come to my house
but I was never there they always talk to
my mom and dad they told them just
wanted to ask me a some questions
about a robbery I already knew what
they wanted though so I went to the
other side of town to hide out for awhile
but my mom and dad talked me into
turning myself in so that's what I did Fred: I left my house and went to a gas station
down the street. I saw the police
following me so I pulled in and went
inside the store to pay for gas and buy a
pack of cigarettes. When I walked out of
the store I heard alot of screaming and
look around and I was surrounded Alice: no I was in drug court and altered my urine
sample. It was considered a failed drug test and a
personal offense to the judge Shante Owens. She immediately
sentenced me to jail and rescheduled a
court date to make an example of me in front of
those pleaing into drug court and sentenced me to
5 years in prison Patrick: By Court Summons, they just left a notice on my
front door and the courts made a big deal about a
none violent, none theft none drugs case, it gave
them something to do and was a big joke,I thank tehy
should have to follow the law or be jailed themself.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Cami: I was the last person left in the courtroom. The
judge took a recess before he called my case, so
the suspense was very stressful. I was very
nervous the entire time, but being the only one
left in the courtroom it made the sentencing seem
a bit more personal. Tombstone: Very embarrassing,they take you in leg irons,&
jail smocks,handcuffs too,but they take those off
before you go into the courtroom Strawberry: Very nerv racking...i had to wait a long time in
lockup to see the judge. Tonya: its court Jay: Well it was a pain in the ass like I said
earlier I first went to district court then I
couldn't afford no attorney so I got
appointed one and he wasn't telling me
to much of nothing so after I waived it to
circuit court I went back and forth to
court about four more times my lawyer
said he was just trying to buy more time.
To get more stuff together until they
finally came with a plea bargain Fred: Scary. It was the longest day of my life. I
just sat in the jury box while my lawyer
talked to the judge. I wasn't able to
speak to the judge for myself or say
anything to the district attorney. I just
had to sit there and hope my lawyer was
working for me Alice: she waited to try my case last so that everyone
who plead into drug court saw that she was serious
about tampering with a urine specimen if on drug
court and that it is he quickest way to get a
prison sentence. i had been accepted into a rehab
to be paid for by my family but she shot the offer
down with no regard for my famili.e's feelings as
she took what I did as a personal slap in the face Patrick: crowded and they do not obey the written laws, lots
of blacks, very few white, it takes forever to call
your case and you sit and nothing happens and they
do nothing, the whole process is a big scam and I
have no respect for anyone that works for the
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Tonya: failure to appear on a traffic violation Jay: I had four counts of first degree robbery
but ended up pleading guilty to one Fred: Distribution of a controlled substance.
Distribution of a controlled substance Alice: my original charges were a posession charge for an
empty bag with methamphetamine residue and I was
asked to work for the police as a confidential
informant but when I respectfully declined, the
police gave me a felony posession charge and I
took drug court which I failed and as a result got
a 5 year prison sentence. i did 6 months and am
out on parole until march 2014 in which will be my
end of sentence Patrick: False indodent and harrasing communications