Interview with Cami, Tombstone, Strawberry, Tonya, Jay, Fred, Alice and Patrick
JM: How often could you receive visitors? Cami: Once a week on Saturdays. Tombstone: 2 times a week,your last name would be what they
would go by,,my wife only came twice a wk Strawberry: i think 1 or 2 times a week...depending on the
day Tonya: Didn't Jay: In the county once a week on your day in
prison every two weeks rotating from
Saturday to Sunday Fred: I could receive visitors once a week on
Thursdays and it would only last for 30
minutes Alice: visitors were allowed once a week for 15 minutes at
a time IF the elevators werent broken and their was
e nough staff Patrick: weekly by video conference, I thank they lasted
about 25 minutes, they are recorded. One vistor at a
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Cami: Not really unless they waited till the last minute
to come see me. Tombstone: Yes,my wife hated it,& I hated she had to go thru
it,but if you saw your family at all;you just had
to choke down the embarrassment... Strawberry: from what i heard it was Tonya: None Jay: Yes it would be long lines the people
who came to see you had to be searched
and that took time and the guards took
their time I believe they move slow on
purpose to cut visit time short Fred: Yes they would have to get there at least
an hour early to be able to get up stairs
to be able to see me Alice: my mother had to show her license and her name had
to be ran for any felonies, she had to go through a
metal detector,and could only have her keys on her Patrick: 2 hours, sometimes people that come cannot even get
to see you. they have a facility a few blocks away
that is the video hookup. I have never been in it.
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Cami: It was a thick glass separating you and your
visitor with a phone to talk to them on through
the glass. Tombstone: Like you see in movies,little niches that had
glass on both sides,& you have to talk thru a
telephone.,you only have about 10 spots for a
entire floor,& your time in there is very short Strawberry: i have no idea..i didnt get visitors...but i
imagin it was small and crowded and sad Tonya: Dont know never had Jay: In the county we were behind glass with
a phone in prison visitation was in the
cafeteria your family could bring
quarters so yall could get some
microwavable sandwhiches some snacks
and something to drink but you couldn't
bring any of that back with you so you
had to eat out there it couldn't be to
much touching and they had guards out
there enforcing the rules Fred: It was crappy. I would have to look at my
family through a small piece of glass and
I would have to talk to them through
them on a phone.e and it was hard to
hear because there was 9 other people
in there and it was very loud and
crowded Alice: there was four phones and a small area with
plexiglass windows to talk through. it was small,
hot and dirty. there were no conjugal visits or face
to face visits, some people could only visit through
a video screen where they could talk to their
friends and family members. hm Patrick: by video, they put the inmates in a looked room, I
do not know what the other end was like, it is not
in person contact, big scam,, nothing more nothing
less. I hated the place, could not see family for a
years just stupid and no one cares about it.