Interview with Cami, Tombstone, Strawberry, Tonya, Jay, Fred, Alice and Patrick
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Cami: We had three meals. Tombstone: 3; breakfast about 6.30am,lunch about 11a;than
dinner about 5p,breakfast would be a couple of
spoonfuls of eggs,a biscuit,maybe a couple of
prunes,& coffee,lunch was the best meal,2
hot dogs,a spoonful of beans,& maybe a small slice
of cake;dinner was the smallest meal of the
day,veggie spaghetti,lima beans ,& a biscuit, Strawberry: 3 meals a day Tonya: 3 Jay: Three meals Monday thru Saturday and
two on Sunday Fred: We were given 3 meals a day Alice: three meals a day if you considered them meals Patrick: three breakfast lunch and dinnder
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Cami: Worse than old school food we used to have to eat. Tombstone: some of it was ok, the portions are so small you
stay hungry all the time, in Alabama the sheriff
gets to keep whatever funds are left over from his
food budget as salary,,so common sense tells
you,he`s not going to go out of his way.We`re
talking thousands of dollars,he gets to keep.It
still really pisses me off today,I was
starving-literally. Strawberry: HA...HORRIBLE Tonya: Fair Jay: I would rate the food very poor must of
it just dont look good at all then it was
the same stuff every week then they give
you child servings there was a rumor
going around in prison they say on the
boxes with the meat patties not for
human cosuption Fred: I would rate the food a 4 on a scale from
1 to 10. The food was very plain and was
always cold. Everything they served was
always starched based. It consisted of
different types of noodles and potatoes
and beans on every tray but breakfast.
Breakfast consisted of two bold eggs and
a thing of grits Alice: since jefferson county is broke, we ONLY got a half
a cup of koolaid as ling as there was enough- the
food was bland and lunch and dinner were recylced
with added vegetables.always jello for dessert and
maybe a pack of crackers or a piece of bread if we
were lucky Patrick: ZERO awful beyond awful, Food tasted awful, and
was not enough food for 200 pound people, I seldom
aat mine and just paid for food for them commissary,
it really suck, I would not feed that to my dog,
they should not be allowed to feed what they do.
plain and simple
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Cami: No, I would eat enough to survive and give the
rest away. Tombstone: Dinner was always crap,but they did have some good
lunches,just small portions, one good one-
hamburger steak & gravy;one terrible-fried okra,a
boiled potato,a biscuit,& one slice of canned
peaches, & always grape koolaid,never any milk,to
drink--& only one small cup of that Strawberry: my fav was lunch cause they gave ya real
mean....breakfast sucked cause it was grits eggs
and a slice of bread...every now and then ua had
jelly...or biscuit Tonya: No food is good in jail Jay: yea the best thing they have was chicken
on sundays the worst thing was the liver
pattie I smelled it ont time and it was.a
good smell then it had grisle in it so I
never tasted it Fred: My favorite meal was breakfast because
it was the only meal that seemed to feel
you up and feel like you ate something Alice: i lost weight in the county because the food was so
baD. there was never any seasoning,, salt pepper
NOTHING. Patrick: no, breakfast was the best, but all the food was
awful, the do not even have cold water to offer you
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Cami: Commissary was offered, you fill out a sheet of
what snacks you want, then the following week you
received the food. This was only available if you
had money on your books. Tombstone: No snacks;every afternoon, a cart would come
around & you could buy a large cup of
Pepsi;sometimes the trusties would have food down
their pants,like the hot dogs,& you could buy them
if you have the quarters,which tells you how bad
things are in there.They do have a commissary
there-owned by the sheriff!where you can buy
snacks-another reason to starve you,you buy more! Strawberry: ya had to spen an outragous amout of money to
buy snacks from commisary Tonya: Yes Jay: The only other snacks was commissary
yes it was expensive for one pack of
noddles it was 55¢ drinks 75¢ for the
cheap brand 1 honeybun was 1.25 you
got commissary once a week you have to
fill out the paper of what you want turn
it and you will get your stuff lateer that
week Fred: Yes but you have to buy them from the
store. The commissary was good but was
very high. A honey bun cost you $1.75
and a cup of noodles cost around $2.00
for one and you could only get 10 items
at a time Alice: there was a cart that came every three weeks that
was expensive- 4 dollar hamburgers, chili dogs, 2
dollar candy and the regular commissary was about
average. it was delivered by a company called
swanson Patrick: yes, Commissary was 3x a snack store, they have
chips, some chicken in a tune pouch, candy that type
of stuff, you are limited to 60 dollars per week, I
spent 60 every week on food.