Interview with Cami, Tombstone, Strawberry, Tonya, Jay, Fred, Alice and Patrick
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Cami: You could go outside to the courtyard to play ball
or just get some fresh air. You could go to the
law library to study any information on your case
that you need. Tombstone: None; you were able to go out once a week,into a
dog-trot,sort of place,for a hr or two.other than
that,it was reading,or watching the tv,which was
only about 4 local stations;They did have some
sort of law library,but I never got to go look it over Strawberry: HA...T.V and books Tonya: TV Jay: In Jefferson county the only thing you
could is walk back and forth in the block
or watch TV every floor had a sun room
witch was a room with cage windows and
a basketball goal but it was rare for the
guards to take anybody out there but all
the prisons had weight lifting areas
library churches and movie nights so
time went by a little faster in there Fred: We was allowed to go to the law library
any time of the day to research on our
case. Every Sunday morning the church
group was allowed to come in and speak
with us for an hour at a time. They would
sing church songs and read scripts from
the bible Alice: there were no facilities in jefferson county that
helped us pass the time. there were a few fiction
books that floated around we could read. there was
no outside time, no exercise,nothing. chirch came
maybe once every two weeks, but other than that
there was one television. at times were were
locked out of our cells for 14 hours at a time Patrick: none, except for TV and some chess sets in each
dorm. Other than that nothing and people hog the TV
for BET and rap music, it is awful and very noisey
in the place,all conctete no carpet. ONce a week
they give you 30 minutes of basketball, joke, not
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Cami: TV was always available, and the books available
were endless.
Tombstone: Very fierce,they would only allow a few every week
to go out,to exercise, Strawberry: well when i was in we had i think 12 rooms on
our blockor 20...anywayz we had a
system...depending on the day it would be a
rooms turn to have the we would go by
numbers....and just rotate like that Tonya: regular acces Jay: Like I said in the last question there
wasn't much to do in the county but yea
in prison I would say competition was
fierce people would run to the weight
pile or on movie night after count people
would run to the TV room to get a good
seat some people even leave stuff in the
seats to let people know somebody
sitting there Fred: Yes there was access to the TV,it was a
fierce competition to watch what you
wanted to because there was so many
inmates in there. Everybody would try
and vote on something for everybody to
watch so there wouldn't be to much
confusion in the dayroom and the
inmates would get along Alice: there were no facilities in jefferson county that
helped us pass the time. there were a few fiction
books that floated around we could read. there was
no outside time, no exercise,nothing. chirch came
maybe once every two weeks, but other than that
there was one television. at times were were
locked out of our cells for 14 hours at a time Patrick: fierce, I was 46 years old and did not want to
with youn kids, they are to strong and to
physical, situation in this joint really sucks,
not right to do this to people over stupid stuff.
Prison I have heard will be alot better. I do not
want to find out.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Cami: Yes, very much so they feed you a lot of
carbohydrates and it makes it so hard not to gain
weight. Tombstone: Staying in shape,yes;but you kept the weight off
because of the lack of food. Strawberry: was redonkulous....i gained alot over 3
mos and still having trouble getting it off Tonya: No Jay: No not really I lifted weights a lot and I
worked in the kitchen so of course I
made my own special food most of the
time Fred: Yes because we didn't have proper
things to use to stay in shape. All you
could do is push ups Alice: there were no facilities in jefferson county that
helped us pass the time. there were a few fiction
books that floated around we could read. there was
no outside time, no exercise,nothing. chirch came
maybe once every two weeks, but other than that
there was one television. at times were were
locked out of our cells for 14 hours at a time Patrick: yes. People make wieghts with pillow cases and
trash bags and full them up with water. It works
pretty good, I like to bike ride so not much you can
do for that.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Tombstone: I didn't go out once in 3 months Strawberry: i went outside 3 times in 3 mos...only cause of
shakdowns Tonya: Never Jay: In the county we weren't allowed outside
but you could do push ups or pull ups on
the steps and walk back and forth now in
prison you could go outside to lift
weights play basketball or play horse
shoes or just sit out there to get fresh air Fred: We were able to go outside once a week.
When we did get to go outside we were
able to play basketball or look at the
interstate Alice: there were no facilities in jefferson county that
helped us pass the time. there were a few fiction
books that floated around we could read. there was
no outside time, no exercise,nothing. chirch came
maybe once every two weeks, but other than that
there was one television. at times were were
locked out of our cells for 14 hours at a time Patrick: never NOt one time, this is a one percent inside
jail, it really sucks, you never see sunlight,
sunset or the outside, not right. thanks
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Cami: Yes, Sunday school and mass was offered on Sunday
and Wednesday night. Tombstone: They did,but they would only allow 5 from the
whole pod to go,because it was a small room,the
church ppl were very good about sending reading
material in,its what I missed the most while I was
there Strawberry: yes...2 times a week we would have someone come
into our block and talk to us about church
stuff...and on sunday mornings we could go to
church Tonya: Yes Sunday Jay: Yes they offered church services I didn't
go to to many of them but the ones I did
go to was like regular church most of the
time it was held in the evening almost
everyday Fred: Yes they would allow the pastor to come
in every Sunday and he would sing
church songs and read scripters out of
the bible Alice: there were no facilities in jefferson county that
helped us pass the time. there were a few fiction
books that floated around we could read. there was
no outside time, no exercise,nothing. chirch came
maybe once every two weeks, but other than that
there was one television. at times were were
locked out of our cells for 14 hours at a time Patrick: some, I did not go. They may have had some services
of different types once or twice a week, I have no