Interview with Cami, Tombstone, Strawberry, Tonya, Jay, Fred, Alice and Patrick
JM: How many different blocks were there? Cami: There were four blocks. Tombstone: There are seven floors,with four pods of cells on
each floor,each pod having 20-25 cells each Strawberry: four blocks Tonya: Several Jay: In the county there was 9 floors with 7
blocks on each floor Fred: There was 7 different blocks there Alice: there were five different blocks Patrick: lots, they have 5 floor, each with about 10 dorms of
5, plus space in an adjoining facilty
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Cami: A B C and D. Tombstone: no names,they were classified as to your custody
classification Strawberry: a'b'd' and d....i was in cell block c Tonya: Yes but don't remember Jay: They didn't have names but they had
letters A thru G Fred: No they didn't have name they was
lettered by the first 7 letters of the
alphabet Alice: a.b.c.d.e.f were the name of the different cell
blocks. one was for medical and one was violent Patrick: just floors and colors so you have two red and two
blue that kinds of stuff.
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Cami: A was trustee, B was Medium Security, C was
Maximum Security, D was minimum Security. Tombstone: they were placed with the lowest custody ones
starting on 3rd.I was on the 5th,where they put
the guys with medical problems,the most dangerous
ones were on the 7th Strawberry: i really dont know i kinda stayed focused on
what was goin on in my cell block...i honestly
didnt care Tonya: Not sure Jay: On the first floor was the holding cells
second floor kitchen third floor was the
medical and special needs floor on the
fourth floor was the women the fifth
floor was for the trustees sixth and
seventh floor was nonviolent offenders
and eighth and ninth was violent
offenders Fred: On the floor I was in it was people with
different types of drug charges such as
possession distribution manufacturing
anything drug related and no kind of
violent charges ever Alice: the only ones I knew were seperate were A was seg
and another was violent crime block. the rest were
for everyone else but there were no specific
guidelines for the rest Patrick: by record and type of offense and do not remmeber
how they had people set up, the people going to
prision I thank had the top two floors., I do not
rember all of it.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Cami: The nice part was the ability to be outside of
your cell for 20 hours a day, and the worst part
of the block was having to go to lock down right
after dinner. Tombstone: Overcrowded,which makes things very tense,you
would have to stay in a dayroom from about
6am,until about 6pm,& couldn't go back into your cell Strawberry: nothing NICE about my block...but the wporst was
the 1 shower in the whole block Tonya: Nothing good about being in jail Jay: I was in one block the whole time I was
in the county that was f block on the
eighth floor the worst part about being
on the eighth floor you eat late cause the
bring the food up floor by floor so we
always ate late but nicest part about
being on the eighth floor was the view
out the cell window they county jail is in
the middle of the city so you can see all
the city lights at night time Fred: I don't really recall anything being nice
about the blocks I was in. All the tables
were steel the phones didn't work and it
was always freezing cold in the blocks.
When we were allowed in the day space
we mainly had to stand up because
everything was steel and concrete Alice: because of the overcrowding and the variety of
personalities, many women were also not receiving
the medication they needed,it made it difficult to
get along with many of the other inmates. it was
difficult to avoid the fights, even if i didn't
respond it seemed to anger the inmate even more.
One inmate with obvious mental problems came at me
and pushed me and even spat at me. There was no
help from the Co's. over a piece of toilet paper,
I had a brush thrown across the room at me. Patrick: people some people are good and some bad, some
floors probally had more fight and more trouble
being caused on them, I did not want to get with
this crowd, itw was ll bad enough and no fun, I have
not been back it was onece in my lfie never again.