Interview with Cami, Tombstone, Strawberry, Tonya, Jay, Fred, Alice and Patrick
JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Cami: Only when the med-cart would come once in the
morning and once in the evening. Tombstone: Yes, you would have to fill out requests to be
seen by the nurse, Strawberry: yea...2 times a day Tonya: NO Jay: They had pill call for the people who was
prescibed medication Fred: No if you needed it you would have to
put in a sick call slip and see the doctor Alice: NO THE JAIL WAS HORRIBLE ABOUT GIVING PPL ANY
MEDICATION Patrick: no, I take on drug and had problems getting it, My
attorney got a court order for such and they still
did not do it.
JM: How did you get your medications? Cami: By a registered nurse from the med-cart. Tombstone: given out by the nurse every morning & night Strawberry: a RN cam by all snotty and bitchy and gave ya
ya meds Tonya: Didn't Jay: They had pill call for the people who was
prescibed medication if you wanted
something for a headache or something
you could go up there and ask the nurse
during pill call Fred: You would have to see the doctor and if
he gave you medicine you would have to
wait on the nurse to come around with it Alice: I only required an albuterol inhaler which a couple
of times needed it and they denied me any when it
was needed Patrick: they have a nurse that has the drugs on a cart, she
is escorted by a gaurd, they may charge you a small
amount for the drugs
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Cami: You would get them taken away or you would go to
the hole for 23 hour lock down. Tombstone: Don`t know, I never saw any,but I imagine they
would be severe, Strawberry: i have no idea...i am sure it wasnt good Tonya: Don't know Jay: I'm not sure but I would say the would
put you in a lock up cell for awhile and
give you disciplinary nwver witness
anybody getting caught Fred: You would lose your privileges such as
your store your visitation or you would
be put on lock down until further notice Alice: i never witnessed any for of punishment for anyone
abusing or using drugs. only people coming off of
drugs in the jail Patrick: Unknown you cannot get drugs without doctor order, I
never saw any violations of such. I do not know
what they would do.