JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Luis: I'm easy to get along with so I didn't really
have trouble with
any inmates. The only problem that arose
was I accidentally
peed on the toilet seat and a few inmates
got butt hurt.
Scott: i didnt but i am a big guy and nobody wants to mess
with me i weigh 260 and its not fat but the smaller
guys had it difficult and especially the mentally
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Luis: I was never really threatened of getting in
any fights but a few
other inmates did get beat up in the
bathroom where there
were no cameras. People also got
threatened to get beat up if
they didn't roll their selves out to the main
jail. It didn't happen
very often though. Scott: you mind your own business dont get caught up in
racial bullshit and pick one person that you can
trust and stick with him dont start trading for
smoke or drugs and never get in debt if you can
afford something you dont need it and always stay
with your own race
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Luis: In the annex the setup was pretty much a
large gymnasium so
there were no cells but we had assigned
bunks. There was a
gate that seperated the sentenced side
from the un-sentenced
side. Scott: when you walk in to housing that is the mot crucial
time you hope you know someone but mos of all you
just want t be annonymous as much as possible you
are given a cell and the door is opened and whoever
is in there is your celly and that is that till the
end or till you fight