JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Luis: This question is kind of vague. I went to a
couple court dates
where my court appointed attorney was
of little help and I was
sentenced. The first trial was to plead. An
attorney gave me a
plead bargain so I took it. Looking back
now I would have tried
negiating with them more. Scott: It was really fast and i would say head spinning
before I knew what was gong on i was already
sentenced and being led back to holding where you
waited for everyone else to get sentenced one at a
time your day was always longest on sentencing and
that holding cell was terrible
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Luis: My friend involved in the crime told me
the cops came to his
house for questioning. He told them the
whole story andtold
me they were looking for me so I turned
myself in. He told
someone what we did and that kid rolled
on us so we got
charged. Scott: It was a coincidence that i came to be arrested
because i was heading home and at 1100 pm there
was a sheriff going to my house to pick me up for
failure to pay a ticket we crossed paths and what
ensued was a high speed chase to my house all i
wanted was to get my car home in hopes that they
would'nt tow it away but they dd so i was for
naught but i was never charged for that
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Luis: Court was pointless. The state took up
the charges even
though they weren't the party affected by
the crime and just
used their legalese to convict me. I went
to about 3-4 court
dates spanning about 6 months before
they sentenced me. My
lawyer told me I probably wouldn't
receive jail time but he was
wrong. Scott: i remember waiting for what seemed forever in a
small holding cell in the back of the courthouse
until it was my turn i remember that you were not
able to drink the water or use the restroom
because there was a female in the other cell and
we were cuffed the whole time it was really nerve
racking then i got led into the courtroomand the
judge was very to the point and without a lawyer
or any type of understanding as to the legal
jargon except for what the judge was saying i was
sentenced and being led back to the holding cell
only then did i realize what exactly was said and
how long my sentence was it went so fast
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Luis: I was originally charged with burglary in
the third degree and
theft in the sixth degree I believe but only
got convicted of
theft. It was an undesignated felony. Scott: my original charges were driving on a suspended no
insurance failure to appear possession of drug
paraphanalia and those were the charges i ended up
with in the end