JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Luis: The main things used to pass the time
were cards, dominoes
and TV. Some inmates worked out.
Working also passed the
time but I rather sleep than work in the
kitchen. I had a few
jobs that were cool because I actually got
to leave and do stuff
around town. Scott: you had a cell and you had a picnic style table and
yo maybe had a deck of cards but mostly you had
books and you had your cell and of course the tv
most of time you just sat around and talked or you
slept and read books in your cell
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Luis: Everyone played spades but we only had
a few decks of cards.
We usually set it up to where the winning
team would stay at
the table and a team that hadn't played
would play against the
winners. We even had a couple
competitions with all the
inmates and the winners got to pick what
we watched on TV
for a week. Scott: as fa as entertainment wet there was not really a
lot there like i said you had tv and you had books
there were always card games going on but only if
you were willing to gamble away your food or
commissary and that wasnt what i wanted to do then
there was the yard which was a 10 x 10 indoor cage
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Luis: Jail made me lazy cuz there wasn't much
to do but for a while I
was working out everyday. After a while I
stopped. I didn't
really gain weight because our meals
weren't very filling. Scott: no you get plenty of opportunity to exercise in fact
you are encouraged to stay in shape by the so called
key holders and the ones that didnt exercise got
dealt with
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Luis: We got to go outside once a week but
there was nothing to do
so I usually stayed inside and eventually
they stopped letting
us outside. Scott: you were never really allowed outside but you were
given opportunity to go to the yard which was a 10 x
10 cage with access to the outside air and that was
it every other day
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Luis: They had church services once a week
but were led by the
inmates and one inmate usually led it. I
attended 1 or 2
services. Scott: the pod i was in was called the god pod an we were
allowed to attend a church service everyday at 4 pm
in the interview room but on sunday
they held a regular church service wit an outside
group that comes in and sometimes during the week