JM: How many meals did you get per day? Luis: We got a breakfast and dinner tray and
two sandwiches at
lunch. Scott: you were given two hot meals an a cold lunch
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Luis: The food was pretty terrible usually.
Surprisingly some of the
guards would eat the crap. We had water
to drink but at dinner
they gave us koolaid which I would stay
away from because of
the aspartame content. The butter was
mainly hydrogenated
soy bean oil which I also tried to stay
away from. Scott: on the average the food was fairly decent
considering how much was needed to make i would say
it was your average cafeteria style fare with a lot
of imagination thrown in sometimes there were some
things that you werent able to eat but mostly if you
were hungry yo would eat it
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Luis: I liked the chicken fried steak but I don't
know what it was
made of. On Fridays we got pancakes
which were halfway
decent. Scott: burrito day was good and the cake deserts were good
and always there was the pancakes but the pizza dish
was fairly decent but most of all was the once a
month roast beef that was the best
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Luis: I don't recall any other snacks. My
parents put 200 dollars on
my books but it lasted on 2 weeks. The
main thing people got
in commissary was coffee. People bet for
it and some people
snorted it. Scott: sure you could snack all day long as long as you had
money but if you had no money you had no snacks and
the commissary was very expensive a top ramen noodle
cost you a dollar and a 4 ounce bag of coffee was
over 6 bucks