Interview with Bruce, Jen, Crystal, Allison and Deanne
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Bruce: The jails served 2 meals per day...I believe at
10:00 and again at 5:00 Jen: You received 3 meals per day Crystal: We were served 3 meals a day Allison: You get two meals a day Deanne: 3. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Bruce: Horrible. The meat was never really hot and
usually mixed with slop that was some kind of
sauce. The early meal was better...usually bread
and a grapefruit. I was out before the meals were
served and back after during the week, so I ate my
meals at my house or in restaurants but on Sunday
I had to eat the jail food sometimes. Jen: The food was one of the most disgusting parts of
being at MCSO, I worked in the kitchen and saw
that the majority of the food was donated and
mostly expired, we would make a meal that we
called "slop" that you could never identify what
was in it or what it was suppose to be. It
honestly sometimes smelled and to be honest gave
some of the women the worst gas in the world, the
food in a word was inhumane and shouldn't be feed
to animals. Crystal: The food was absolutely disgusting especially dinner. I would
usually eat the breakfast because their was milk and fruit. Lunch
had bread with some greasy ham which was not that bad. Lunch
also included some cookies and milk that were good. The worst
meals were the hot prepared meals. they were very bland and
looked like sludge. Allison: Well I worked in the kitchen and so I got
to eat all the timr and then sumtimes I
would get my comencary and have soda
oh hpe u love sum tin to drink in there
causr all u get is tap water used to br
able to get koolaid no more Deanne: Not applicable because I never ate anything,
besides for the oranges. The food always looked
disguisting, smelled horrible and made my stomach
upset from just thinking about it. I also heard
rumors that the cost of each meal is something
like 13 cents each. It is all made from spoiled,
rotten and expired date food items.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Bruce: No, it was all horrible. I did like the
grapefruits, so I would usually eat a couple of
those though. Jen: The only food I tried to eat was food I purchased
form the store one per week we were allowed to
order, with the exception of some of the fruit and
peanut butter I would eat Crystal: I actually loved the cookies that came with the afternoon meals.
They were the best with milk but everything else was not very
good. Allison: No I didnt like the food ots slop and the
ckicken was harry and every ting gross
how ca can Deanne: The only item I ever even ate was the oranges and
some items from the vending machines which were
products of other companies.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Bruce: There were vending machines with soda and candy in
it. We were allowed to bring $20 in with us each
time we left and came back. The food was normal
vending machine stuff and regularly priced. Jen: No other snacks were offered or allowed except
what was purchased through commissary. The food
purchased was very overpriced for the size and
amounts you would recieve, plus if you lived in
tent city much of the time your food in locker was
overtaken by mice and ants and this was the only
place permitted to keep food Crystal: We were allowed to the commissary twice a day because it was on
the male side and they had to go on lock down when we went over
there. the commissary was expensive but I mainly ate out of there
as opposed to the jail food. my favorite were the burritos and sour
patch kids. Allison: There was comencery and that was it no
exyra nothen u dont have some one to
give u money then u get no extra nothen
n every ting cost a whole lot of monry an Deanne: Vending machines that were overpriced and did not
always produce the item you paid for. Commissary
was once a day. Prices were high, like 75 cents
for a bag of chips that you get at grocery store
for 25 cents.