Interview with Bruce, Jen, Crystal, Allison and Deanne
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Bruce: Six months in Tent City with work release
privelidges to go to work during the day, during the
week. I was released from 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday
through Friday Jen: I received the maximum for MCSO, 365 days Crystal: 45 days in tent city total for both DUIs Allison: 2 years prob 3 mounths jail Deanne: 10 days, with work release and I was able to
schedule when I would like to do it.
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Bruce: I was in two different holding cells. One right
after sentencing that I was alone in for about 4
hours and another with about 20 guys for about 6
hours...both rooms were about 8 feet wide by about
20 feet long with a stone bench to sit on. Jen: I spent hours in a holding cell, this is where all
your person belongings are taken and you are changed
out of your civilian clothes into jail clothes, at
this time anything about you is not stripped away Crystal: After sentencing I had to work with a clerk and pick a date to
report to sent city. I had to pick date within a certain timeframe to
report. I believe I picked about a week after I was sentenced to
report to TC. When I did report to TC they did keep us in a holding
cell for about 5 hours and I was with about 5 other women. They
did actually bring us some food at the beginning. Allison: Yes I was in a holding cell n it stunk like
arm pit and it wasreally cold but u could
not even walk so many girls could barley
move around Deanne: When I was arrested, I was taken to the Scottsdale
Police Station (90th street and Via Linda) in
which I was put into a holding cell until they
finished there paperwork. Although this was the
night of my arrest, not after sentencing. I also
spent time n a holding cell, when I check-in at
the Maricopa Tent City jail to start my 10 day