Interview with Bruce, Jen, Crystal, Allison and Deanne
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Bruce: From the time I received the summons to appear
that had said I was indicted, the time from the
initial court date to sentencing was about one
year. We had several court dates where motions
were filed and continuances were granted. Before
my actual sentencing, I met with a clerk who
interviewed me and reccommended a sentence...I
also had an profile done on my own expense that
the judge considered as well. Jen: My case took appx 10 months before I went for my
final sentencing, I stayed out of jail until my
sentencing date but had many court appearances
before then. The pre sentencing involved a lot of
going over pleas, submitting to DNA testing at
different locations, meetings with attorney, and
reporting to pre sententing probation as well Crystal: From the date of the initial arrest the sentencing was pushed off
for 5 months later. I had a lawyer who took care of all the
paperwork and was the one who mainly communicated to the
judges. I am not exactly sure how he was able to push the
sentencing off for so many months since I know people who have
not had lawyers and it seemed to go to court right away. Allison: I was on probation and I violated so
because I was already sentenced it was
a real short process when u already
bren sentenced u no how long u will do
unless u have a new charge .. I didnt havr
a new charge so it was the same . Deanne: When I was arrested, I was given a citation which
had a court date and time. I went to court for the
arraignment, heard the facts and evidence against
me and then made my plea. I pled guilty for
extreme DUI and was then sentenced. Although, the
best part was that I was able to set-up when I
wanted to do my jail time and also when and what
I could pay for the fines/fees.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Bruce: The police did not stop by my house. I received a
summons that had said I had been indicted and had to
appear on whatever the date was or that an arrest
warrant would be issued for me. I appeared on the
date listed, with my attorney and pled no contest to
the charges. Jen: I was arrested and taken for questioning by
detectives, after hours of questioning I was held
for two days and released on OR with a follow up
court date to follow, this was the first of many
court dates and months of legal problems, money,
issues to come during the next ten months Crystal: No. i was pulled over in April of 2009 for a DUI and taken to a
office for questioning. it was just me and two other police officers
and no one else seemed to be in the building - if I recall they
actually had to unlock the building for us to go inside. They filled
out the paperwork there and took my blood. I was dropped off at
my house after and my roommate had to sign for me that I would
not leave her presence. In June 2009 i was pulled over for another
DUI and taken to a DUI task van with multiple other offenders. One
officer processed my intake and then I was released in a lot where
multiple cabs were waiting. I had no money so the cab driver drove
me home for free. Allison: The cops came looking for for me at
home and found me then took me to jail
they didnt question any one just took me
to booking.i was already found guilty
because I violated probation.i already
new my sentence because it was
deffered sentence that a judge gave me
from befor. Deanne: No. I was arrested for DUI in which they pulled me
over for excessive speed and then asked if I was
impaired because the officer smelled alcohol on my
breath. The officer then asked me to take a
breathalyzer test, which I refused. Therefore, the
officer then said I was being arrested and taken
to hospital to give blood sample.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Bruce: Court was definately intimidating. I had never been
in a situation like this before. In front of the
judge's raised platform was a podium and two tables
behind for the prosecution and another
for the defense. To our left was a jury box, and
behind us was the seating for the public to watch Jen: Scary and very formal, unless being directed by
your attorney what is happening it would be almost
impossible to understand what is going on and what
is being said.Your attorney usually lets you know
before hand. When in court its like a different
world is there and it is very real and scary. Crystal: The Mesa court I attended was very quick and seemed to run quite
smoothly. The judge was friendly and I did speak to him directly in
court. My lawyer did all the talking in the Tempe court. He ended
up going to speak with the judge in his office to get a deal and
combine the sentencing of both DUI charges. The Mesa court
operated much quicker than the Tempe court and it was easier to
navigate. Allison: Well court was easy due to the fact I new
my sentencing. I had to wait for hours in
a very cold tiny room,when I was finally
called they took me to a little room
where they ask if I have a job and where
I live who live with me then court n rhe
judge say guilty. Deanne: Casual. I went to the court room where there were
several other people as well. Sat down, waited for
the prosecutor and judge to come in and then call
your name. Once name was called, the prosecutor
states the charge and facts and then the judge
asks for your plea. I pleaded guilty and then was
sentenced. Right after that in another room at the
court, I had to speak with someone to schedule my
jail time and to set up a payment plan for the
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Bruce: I was charged with seven counts. Fraudulent
Schemes and Artifices, Embezzlement, Insurance
Fraud (2 counts), Forgery (2 counts)...all were
felonies to some degree or another...I ended up
with a plea deal to plead guilty to one count of
Fraudulent Schemes and Artifices (Felony), which I
did and that is what the final charge was. Jen: Armed robbery with a dangerous weapon
Grand theft auto
2 counts of assault with injury
breaking and entry
I was convicted of armed robbery with a non
dangerous weapon and assult Crystal: In April I was charged with an extreme DUI and it was dropped to a
DUI. In June I was charged with an extreme DUI and that was the
conviction as well. In the second case I had a driving in the bike
lane charge and another smaller offense that my lawyer was able
to get dismissed. Allison: Possesion of dangerous drugs and
marijuana poss parafanilia poss
convicted of marijana poss Deanne: My original Charges were excessive speed and
driving impaired or under the influence of alcohol
(.08 BAC or below). I was convicted of an Extreme
DUI (BAC .08 or above)