JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Matthew: Yes. My initial sentence was for 60 days, or 15 if
I had good behavior. I was released on the 15th day. Michelle: no. i was bonded out and am still going through
the court process. Art: do not get released early if your good if you do
something posotive..doesnt matter your gonna do ur time
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Matthew: Depends on what the judge says/sentences to you.
Once the judge sets a sentence, very rarely has it
changed for me, regardless of any of my offenses
that have cost me to stay in jail. Judge sets the
sentence, You abide by it, with little to no changes. Michelle: i think if the judge does give you jail time as
a sentence he can also impose that you get what
they call 2 for 1. but in order to keep that you
have to get a job in the jail and stay out of
trouble. i think if you get in trouble and lose
your job then you lose your 2 for 1. Art: Most time you can recieve for good behavior is 2days for 1 or
2 day early kick thats it
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Matthew: No fighting, arguing, using weapons, making
alcohol, stealing, hiding food, not making your
bunk, or taking things from work places (such as
taking food back to your cell, if you work in the
kitchen). Yes I have but it was already set for
them, prior by the judge. Michelle: as far as i know the 2 for 1 thing is the only
sort of early release county jail sentences
give. and the sentenced people are housed
seperately. early release for good behavior
really has more to do with state prison
sentences. Art: Yes i havr lost time for good behavior ...just gotta mind your
owe business listen to the co s and just stay as busy as you