Interview with Zach, Trevor, Andy, Adam, Wesley, Jackie, Ruth, Kristal and Chris
JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Zach: Jail issue orange pants, white tee shirt. Trevor: the same gettup for 7 days Andy: On 3West 100/200 pod we were white shirt with blue
pants because we're trustees. Other floors I
believe its all orange from shirt to pants. Except
women they wore orange and white stripe shirts I
believe. Adam: Underwear, white socks and white everything no
colors allowed and nothing baggy and no logos or
sports stuff Wesley: I was not allowed absolutely any personal garments
of any kind including underwear when i was detained. Jackie: you werent allowed any other clothes other than
the clothes that are issued to you at the time
of your booking. Ruth: You can't bring anything to ware their
everything is given to you by the jail Kristal: NONE, any other items other than jail issue was
considered contraband, which resulted in a write-up. Chris: None, you could not bring any thing in to the jail
except a wedding ring
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Zach: Yeah, same as above. Trevor: orange. I think the women wear orange and white
stripes now. Andy: White shirt and blue pants with orange shoes. Adam: white shoes, basic white socks, orange prison
jumpsuit, nothing baggy and no blue or red
anything. Pretty boring gear and nothing loose or
big or anything Wesley: Brown boots that fit ok, 5 pairs of white sox. 5
pairs of boxers, 5 pairs of different pants, 5
white tee shirts, and 5 blue long or short sleeved
shirts, and a green belt that was military style,
and a denim jacket Jackie: we were given a pair of big mens used socks with
balls all over it and sometimes holes in them.
you are given two pairs of underwear sometimes
new sometimes used, so big that they would go up
almost to your ribs. they gave you one set of
big orange pants and a striped white and orange
cover shirt. and a big stained white tshirt to
wear under the striped shirt. if you are a girl
you also get a sports bra that sometimes doesnt
even fit your boobs right in. you were only able
to change your clothes out once a week, not
including your sports bra and underwear. Ruth: You for one withe tee and white and orange
striped tee to go over that one with a white
sports bra as well as two pairs love granny
panties uesally too big for you and orange
Dickie like lands and one pair of socks and
some slip on orange or white shoes Kristal: Dark blue pants, reds t-shirts, and some dark blue
sneakers. Our dress code was very basic and limited.
The only time we needed to be dressed fully was count
time and during meals. Chris: In processing you get a couple pairs of new under
wear, used socks, orange pants and top, a mu mu,
and shoes, you were lucky if you got new stuff
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Zach: No, as special housing needs are put in brown shirts and placed on
the protective unit floor, I think its now on 3rd floor. Andy: Not really. Adam: Anything that's clean and fits Shoes
with clean soles Wesley: You really needed to look for long sleeved blue shirt Jackie: the only thing in high demand is to hope for
something that was actually new and not used,
sometimes you got lucky with a new pair of socks
or towel during clothing exchange Ruth: Yea all new clothes were in high demand
everyone wanted the whitest whites and
oarangest oarnges and the newest whitest
shoes Kristal: No, just new clothes were in high demand, and socks. Chris: Yes, new clothes because the old ones were tore up
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Zach: Not really. Andy: ^^^ look up at first question. Adam: I mainly seen men in there but the women dressed
similar from what I seen Wesley: I do not believe it was Jackie: yes, we all wore solid orange pants and women
wore striped shirts and men wore solid orange
shirts. Ruth: The only difference was instead of white and
orange striped shirt theirs was solid orange Kristal: No, the men and women basically dressed the same. Chris: it was the same for both from what i remember