Interview with Zach, Trevor, Andy, Adam, Wesley, Jackie, Ruth, Kristal and Chris
JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Zach: Yes, I got good time for both good behavior and for going to a
drug program/ school full time. I went to school 10 to 12 hours
daily for 4 months, 120 days for an in-house drug program Trevor: No Andy: You don't get off for good behaviors, you have
good time program. But you can get out early if
you write a kite to the floor officer asking for
an early release, in my case I got a 2 day early
release. Adam: Yes I got a month off my original bid stint for that Wesley: yes. The judge permitted me to be elligible for
1/2 time credit Jackie: you dont necessarily get out early for good
behavior because our sentencing is based
on 'good behavior' meaning you do half time for
whatever your sentencing is. if you are
incarcerated long enough to attend programs like
computer class, parenting, ged class then you
can get up to ten days off your sentencing. Ruth: No I did not I got day for day so it could be
considered good time because some people
get their day for day taking if they act up Kristal: They figure your sentencing with good time behavior
and time already served included to your time left
in custody. Chris: No because I did not get a job, there was always
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Zach: I think a day off for every 2 served. Trevor: This is public information. You can look it up.
Approx. 3 to every 10 days. Andy: I believe if your crime was a minor misdemeanor or
nonviolent then you only do 1/2 of your sentence
but if it was more serious you have to do 2/3 of it. Adam: I think two months but maybe more Wesley: You may qualify for 1/2 time elligibility. Jackie: while you are in jail, good time means that
every day you spend in jail counts for 2 days
towards your sentencing Ruth: Day for day wheree one day equells two that
you have served or sometimes they can give
you a one or two day kick where they let you
out a day or two early Kristal: Halftime 50%but if you attend school while
incarcerated you can have additional time taken off
but no more than ten days. Chris: I can not recall how long
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Zach: Fighting, stealing food from the chowhall. Trevor: You don't have to shove your head up anyone's
behind but, you DO have to 'follow suit' Andy: Fighting, getting caught with contraband, just use
your common sense. Adam: Stay out of trouble, no drama, no gang stuff, no
fighting, keeping the cell clean, following rules
and following directions and keeping in line and
getting up on time Wesley: disciplinarian actions, no rule breaking, no
narcotics smuggling or consumption, no fighting,
no disrespecting of any personnell, no stealing,
can not even issue threats at all. Jackie: you need to avoid doing dumb shit basically.
people got written up all the time for fighting,
sending kites, talking on their toilet bowl to
the men upstairs, fishing through the toilets to
the men upstairs. write ups happened all the
time and they will get time added on and they
will be on lockdown. Ruth: Not fighting having drugs or controband and
not getting alot of write ups and no I never saw
anyone loose good time for being good Kristal: Number #1 Fighting, write ups, stealing, contraband,
I've witnessed several people losing they're good
time for fighting. They also get put in lock down
for a period of time. Chris: You could receive time off for getting a job and
getting working time off like being a trustee, but
it is not a whole lot