Interview with Zach, Trevor, Adam, Wesley, Jackie, Ruth, Kristal and Chris
JM: How many different blocks were there? Zach: The Sacramento main jail is all about the same, it is 3 sets of pods
per side, there are two sides, east and west. Trevor: four in the west side of the seventh floor Adam: something like 12 or 14 Wesley: It was a hospitol as well so there was like 20
blocks. Each wing had 3 tiers Jackie: there are 8 floors. each floor had a west side
and an east side. each side had 4 sections Ruth: Their Andre 4 pods two floor tuners to every
pod two people to every cell and 32 to 20 cells
in each pod Kristal: Downtown-the womens floor which there was only one.
There was 5 different pods, with about 100 women per
pod. At the branch there was 4 different dorms
ranging from 25-100 women per pod. Chris: I honestly do not recall
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Zach: 6 west 300, it goes 100 pod, 200 pod and 300 pod, the 300 pods
are for dudes that have been to the pen before, the 100 pods are
for first termers. Adam: We just called them like "cell block a,b etc" and
we had some nicknames and slang for them Wesley: The blocks all used to have letters in the alphabet. Jackie: yes, each side of the floors had four pods 100,
200, 300 and 400 pod Ruth: 1pp pod 2oo pod 3oo pod and 4oo pod . Kristal: Downtown just numbers (100 pod, 200 pod etc.) at the
branch there was Kenya, Golden Poppy, Ramona, and I
cant remember the other one. Chris: I remember there were different sides like east
and west
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Zach: See previous answer. Adam: I heard the ones on sex charges and crimes were
seperated as well as snitches and then gang
members who were validated were put in different
blocks to avoid drama Wesley: The general population, disciplinary house is
called shu, medical wing or the infirmary, special
needs inmates like homosexuals, new comers were
kept seperate, it also had honor wing for
exceptionally behaved inmates Jackie: a 100 pod which is for people that are first
timers or people who havnt spent much time
behind bars. 200 pod is for people who have
spend a reasonable amount of cummulitive time
behind bars, 300 pod is for people that are
going to be there for a while fighting cases and
that have an extensive background with the law,
400 pod is for disciplinary or the crazies. its
one woman to a cell and they are fed their trays
through slots in their door. Ruth: 4oo was for people that were in alot of trouble
like alot of write ups and fights the rest were
just based on what u were designated to but
you would move if you got into problems in you
pod Kristal: Ramona had all the women going to prison, and
trouble makers. Golden Poppy or GP had all the
inmates who worked jobs while locked up. Kenya had
all the rest. Chris: It was everyone put together, but during the
screening process they would ask questions to see
where you would go, and also if you were afraid
for your life they would put you in solitary
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Zach: Nothing really nice, but that on each pod, there are upper and
lower parts of each pod, each division is said to get out for day
room...though not at the same time. But each pod have a few
single cells. I like being in a cell by my self. Worst - having bad
cellie, have bad hack (Horses ass carrying keys). Adam: The nicest ones are for the non violent and the
prisoners on good behavior and the worst were for
the snitches and deviants and others who were
breaking rules including the hole and solitary. It
was pretty bad all the way around and not much
difference in good conditions and stuff. Wesley: There was an order about it. general population
afforded unlocked yard time, more movement for the
inmates, go to the library, you could hold a job
or attend school, go to the canteen, get visits.
Bad things were loss of personal freedoms and
stripped away many basic dignities that i took for
granted before, Jackie: i have only experienced being in 100 pod, you
will see all different kinds of people in there.
and you usually get the people that are on the
news and come into jail. you definitely dont
want to find yourself in 400 pod, that is the
worst pod to be in Ruth: Some had better views out of your windows
some you had better views into the indoor rec
so you can see what's going on on the floor
some were colder then others some you can
see the TV and others you couldn't and some
were bigger and some weren't and only two
pods had clocks Kristal: I never knew anything else about the other blocks
other than the one i was housed in. They all had
issues good or bad. Just probably Ramona being the
place I never wanted to end up. The nicest would
have to be Kenya due to that being the only one I
lived in. Chris: I do not remember any thing nice about being in
the jail or the different blocks, the worst part
was when you first get up on the block, sometimes
you were on a mat on the floor because there was
not any room to put us until after orientation