Interview with Zach, Trevor, Andy, Adam, Wesley, Jackie, Ruth, Kristal and Chris
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Zach: Three regular meals. Trevor: 3 Andy: 3 meals a day, breakfast at 4am, lunch at 10am
then dinner at 4pm. If you're lucky enough to be
in the 3West 100 or 200 pod then most of the time
you're able to get double trays during breakfast
and dinner, while lunch you'll get plenty of
sandwiches and soups. Adam: Three square a day unless misbehaved Wesley: 2 hot meals and 1 box meal Jackie: we were fed three times a day, breakfast at 5
am, lunch at 10:30 am and dinner at 4:30 pm and
you arent fed again for the rest of the day. Ruth: You got 3 meals a day Kristal: Three meals, two hots and one cold (lunch) Chris: Breakfast lunch and dinner were served
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Zach: On a scale of 1-10, ten being bad, I'd say most people would
consider it an 11. But then I like jail food, so I'm different. Trevor: ok Andy: It's not as bad as people think. But you're in
jail so don't expect much. Adam: It was not that bad. Mainly, bland oatmeal for
breakfast, bland soup, noodles, veggies. Not like
a restaurant , lol, and the portions were small
and the food was not tasty and spicy and it was
not flavorful. Its most like that cafeteria style
food that you get in high school Wesley: he food was mediocre. Oameal eggs, toast, chicken
halves, good meals on christmas and thanksgiving.
We had cake daily. Dinner was polish sausage and
sour craut, chicken patties, salsberry steak, peas
and carrots mixec, salad that consisted of lettuce
and tomato, bread at almost every meal that every
one tried to get more of to fill you up and hold
you over Jackie: the food was very tasteless and sometimes not
even edible. the only good days were tuesday and
friday mornings when they served gravy with your
breakfast because it was the only taste of salt
that they would serve. lunch was normally never
good enough to even leave your cell to go get.
the sandwhiches were so unedible you wouldnt
believe it. Ruth: Some times it was nasty sometimes it was
good the longer you were their the more you
liked it but I never liked lunch it was always a
sandwhich soup and a price of fruit but with
other meals we would add it to food we got on
commissary and make it pretty good Kristal: Lunches were very repetative same things over and
dinners were descent and breakfast was too early to
participate. On a scale from 1-10 10 ten being the
best I'd say a 6 or 7. It wasnt fun drinking water
for every meal either. I hate jail food all of it. Chris: The food is really the worst, not healthy at all
but we are prisoners so they dont care about us
being healthy. The inmates use to call a lot of
the meals road kill because that is what it
looked, smelled and tasted like. I looked forward
to the apples and oranges.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Zach: I like the s*** on a shingle, eggs, even green powdered eggs. I like
most all meals, but the food is pretty bad. Trevor: gravy and rice for breakfast was good Andy: For breakfast it would be biscuit and gravy, rice
and gravy and the french toast. For lunch I only
liked peanut butter and jelly sandwich Wednesday.
For dinner spaghetti days. Adam: I like the turkey meatloaf and mashed potatoes and
beans because it was pretty good and tasted ok and
also the mac and cheese was ok Wesley: TThe biscuits and gravy served att breakfast was
my favorite and the least favorite was the
probably the scrambled eggs. Jackie: yes, favorite meals were during breakfast on
biscuit and gravy day on tuesdays and rice and
gravy on friday because they had a saltiness to
them Ruth: Loved french toast and eggs and these little
breakfast burritos with you had hot sause and
hot dogs and potatoes rice and gravy and
biscuits and gravy they were just good Kristal: I enjoyed the dinners probably most of all because
they were a mystery. I didnt like the fact all they
served was soy products in place of meat. Chris: I would have to say lunch was the worst. They make
a soup from the previous days dinner, and throw
everything in it.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Zach: Yes, you can spend $120 per week on candy!! You can buy all kinds
of things if you have the money. Trevor: no Andy: On 3West 100/200 pods we got a very big commissary
list, you can get candies like snickers, kit kat
to potatoe chip and cookies. I know our list is a
lot longer than inmates housed on different floors. Adam: There was a snack commissary where you could buy
snacks and chips and candy if your family sends
you monies for that. It was a bit expensive and
some of it was kinda stale too! Wesley: the commisary was like a little drug store. One
stop shop. You go deoderant, toothpaste, and any
other living nessassaties. I found he commisary to
be priced competativly with grocery stores. The
main thing sold was probably bath shoes. Jackie: no snacks were offered other than the three
meals they provided. if you were diabetic or
pregnant you got an extra milk and sandwhich at
night around 9 pm. other than that you would
have to order off commissary which had
outrageous prices for dollar tree knock off
brands they sold to us. almost 5 dollars for a
box of hy top brand graham crackers was crazy Ruth: No snacks and commisarry is honestly just
everything from the doller store or 99 cent store
and the price was jacked up about 3 times
what it is their its way over priced but needed Kristal: Commissary was cool when i could afford it which was
seldom. But very expensive. The only other snacks
besides offered were diabetic and pregnant (sandwich,
fruit, and milk)they offered those half way between
dinner and bed time. Chris: Commissary is so expensive it is ridiculous. They
charge high prices for dollar store items, from
food to hygiene, writing materials. It is a huge
ripe off. It is bad enough to be there and that on
top of it.