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Interview with Zach, Trevor, Andy, Adam, Wesley, Jackie, Ruth, Kristal and Chris

JM: How long was your sentencing for?
Zach: Sentencing took alittle longer, I was in the court room for about 3 to 5 minutes, as I was trying to keep from going back to prison, so I was asking for a drug program.
Trevor: 338 days, I did 78 days straight downtown.
Andy: 30 days for a driving on suspended license charge
Adam: a five month bid of which I done four of it
Wesley: 2 years elligible for 1/2 time
Jackie: my sentencing was for 180 days, by the time i was sentenced i had 61 days in already so with their 'good time' i had 122 days served. you really only do half of the time they sentence you, so i had 90 days to do actual time. they allowed me to be released to go sign up for work release, thats where i am now, at home on ankle monitor finishing up my last 28 days.
Ruth: Got time served a for a 3 year prison term at 50% with 6months probation
Kristal: 6 months + 3 days, and 5 yrs Probation.
Chris: 3 Years time Was sentencing

JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead?
Zach: Yes, very over crowded, 15 to 20 dudes all stressing all mad, very loud.
Trevor: Yeah. They are filthy and you'd find yourself elbow to elbow with other inmates as they fill them entirely too much. Way over any legal limit possible.
Andy: Spent only a couple of hours in the holding cell but too much people in there at one time though.
Adam: Yes I did and it was not nice. Was real crowded and overflowed and I could tell it was some real racial tension and everyone clicking up and everyone was trying to not start drama
Wesley: The holding cell I was in at that time was full of other inmates waiting to go to court or coming from court. No place to sit and everything is oarnge
Jackie: after your sentening like i said you go back to the court holding tank until all women have been seen, then you go back up to your floor and go back to your original cell. there are many different cases after being sentenced, you could be sentenced and if you have more in custody time to do then you leave immediately the next morning out of your cell around 8 am to go out to RCCC. if you get sentenced with time served or work release or a program modification then you are released anytime that night ranging from as early as 2 pm til 11 pm. at that time you are called out of your cell, turn in your blankets, towels and go downstairs to the release tank where you can spend anywhere from 2 to 6 hours waiting to get released from that holding tank. its just a waiting game at that time.
Ruth: After sintinsing I was still in a cell I got out later that night but still had to wait in my cell ant the county jail till my release .
Kristal: The holding cell was probably the worst experience of all. There was about 7 or 8 women in there no place to sit. Vomit all over the floor, the community toilet was backed up and wads of toilet paper in and around the whole cell. It took about 4 1/2-5 hrs to begin processing any of us.
Chris: It was the same experience as any other court date. waiting in a tiny holding cell with other women waiting too. It was a horrible time, and one I will never forget.

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