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Closing Advice

Interview with Darryl, Ralph and Cheryl

JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail?
Darryl: Stick by them and talk to them.
Ralph: put money on their "books" to help them out. it goes a long ways in getting along with others and surviving the place to be able to have things to trade like soap, and extra clothes to stay warm.
Cheryl: dont worry about them jail is not as bad as they say its super easy and can be like a vaction if done right just make sure they have money for stamps they r like gold

JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them?
Darryl: Stay out. Just do your time and leave other people alone.
Ralph: Have your friedns or family order books from a bookstore and send them to you - this is one of the few things that they can send. Go tot he library and any and all programs they allow you to do.
Cheryl: dont worry at all boulder county is the easiest jail stay ever the guards are very nice and the cells arnt bad at all the temps alil cold but thats to prevent fights and illness

JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to.
Darryl: Denver County Jail a long time ago. Durango Jail a long time ago.
Cheryl: jefferson county jail