JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Darryl: I was driving and under suspension. I also had
no insurance. I was pulled over and was
arrested and incarcerated. Cheryl: I had my first filing of charges my 2nd day in
jail than another filing of charges the next day I
than had my bond hiring and waved my rights to a
speedy trial after a week I than went back to
court 4 times and continued my case and than took
a plea deal and plead guilty
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Darryl: See above. Ralph: No, they simply called my mother and told me to
go to court. Cheryl: Originaly I was arrested in the chili's parking
lot in Longmont during a drug deal they had been
survaing me for several months and had a CI set up
the deal I was released that day and aquired a
warrent for my arrest and after about 2 months I
went to the lafayette police station and asked
them to arrest me
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Darryl: I went to jail on Friday, went to court Monday,
and then the next day. I plead guilty and was
released. I was sentenced to 6 months of work
release but was released because I had to wait
for a bed to open up. Cheryl: going to court was a very long ordeal they would
have you get ready at 5:30 than take you to
booking where you would be handcuffed and
shackeled and placed in a holding cell seperated
by male and females than they would usualy put the
females in a front cage in the van and if needed
put males in the back than you would be
transported to the court house and put into yet
another holding cell and wait for them to come get
you sometimes you would be in there for hours
still shackeled and hand cuffed than when it was
you time they would take you to the court room you
would sit in the jury box in restrants and wait
for your lawyer to talk to you and the D.A. than
you would wait till the judge called your case
have your lawyer say what ever needed and the
gaurd would take you back to the holding cell
untill you were returned to jail
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Darryl: Original charges and convicted of:
Driving under a suspended license.
HTO (habitual traffic offender)
Driving without insurance. Ralph: I was accused of violating a temp restraining
order. Cheryl: I was charged with 5 F3 distrobution 5 F5
posestion and 2 F3 assault of a police offier I
was convicted of an F5 distrobution and F6 menacing