JM: How many meals did you get per day? Darryl: Three. Ralph: 3 Cheryl: 3 meals a day that were gross
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Darryl: Bad. There were no seasonings, no salt or
pepper, it was always cold by the time I got
it. They served a lot of fatty foods. Ralph: someone once confused a slab of mystery meat
with a cookie. it was actually hard to tell
them apart. I ended up leaving the jail with
nutritional deficiences that took a year to
correct. Cheryl: the food at boulder county was very low quality
normaly some sort of potatoes and ballony and the
portions where so small you wouldnt be full after
eatting there was always some sort of bread and a
desert than you would also get a koolaid packet to
make a drink for your mean
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Darryl: No favorites. It was all bad. If you didn't
have money you was going to be hungry. Cheryl: my favorite would be when we had tacos or the
coffee cake for breakfest they were good worst
would be the grilled chesse the chesse wouldnt
melt it more so curdled
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Darryl: Not unless you bought commissary. Ralph: commissary was very expensive, and yet really
helped. the jail is very very cold, so every
ordered extra long underware and etc, as soon as
they could. Cheryl: commissary was offerd and was extremly expensive
for a roman noodle it was 85 cents 8 times the
normal cost than bags of chips and candy where
about twice what they cost at the store